Urbina E 1349/ 326/1RX Uruo A 0411/ 468/1C1
Torres AZ 0111/ 492/T1A Torres JF 7212/ 474/1EG
Goins II JG 3529/ 144/2WX Golloway JW 3529/ 310/J15
2336 36 20160201 20080915 20171001 20090121 20181001 20100111
5939 5939 5948 5948 5951 5951
As announced by reference (a), The FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Selection Board will convene on Tuesday, 20 April 2021 at Harry Lee Hall, Marine Corps Base, Quantico, VA, for a period. Identification of noncompetitive eligibility of Marines will be provided by Marine Corps Recruiting Command (MCRC) Officer Naval and Enlisted or the Separation and Retirement Branch (nurse program only) to CMC (MMPR-2) who will then ensure the records of all eligible Marines are forwarded to the board. 0241 3 20171001 20080128 20171001 20090211 20171001 20090527
Buckom SE 8999/ 699/15B Burgett MC 8999/ 723/VLD
Hernandez DR 0699/ 292/1RW Hernandez LC 0411/ 847/1ET
Tate III T 8999/ 754/1CN Tholen SJ 8999/ 803/19F
13.a. Brown CH 2691/ 52/175 Brown EL 0111/ 470/1EC
Roye JB 0861/ 18/1A5 Rubio Jr YP 2336/ 37/1MX
Continue charging up to 63. King TS 8999/ 523/111 Kirkham PR 8999/ 461/041
Landers BD 0491/ 214/732 Lane RJ 2891/ 307/1XC
6591 11 20160801 20010322 20170701 20011113 20170901 20041129
. Lam BS 5959/ 215/1L1 Lambert AJ 7291/ 199/1QG
This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch web site. The selection guidance (precept) for board members includes a reminder of the requirement for PME. Lopez JT 0699/ 631/1K4 Lopez Jr E 0111/ 418/1Y5
5974 1 20180701 20110808 20180401 NA NA NA
Command endorsement is not required. 7041 9 20160501 20080708 20170301 NA 20180301 NA
Marines who submit a voluntary request to transfer to the FMCR, but are not required to transfer to the FMCR, are not eligible for promotion consideration. in central ground water board ministry of jal shakti faridabad of vide advertisement no. Lowe JE 1391/ 340/023 Lozano AJ 0491/ 794/1MZ
Alvarez EE 8999/ 680/R22 Anciso Jr E 8999/ 769/VMC
Fissette KS 8999/ 796/15T Flesher JW 8999/ 527/H74
c. 28 June 2021: Letter to the board (LTB) deadline for the RC E-7 selection board. 5524 6 20151001 NA 20151101 NA 20161001 NA
Jones AR 8999/ 701/1MZ Jones JN 8999/ 539/027
message . Matthews Jr JD 3381/ 748/UMA Mayora AA 0372/ 366/1MX
15.a.1. 5952 2 20170601 NA 20180601 NA NA NA
E-8 through E-9 selection board scheduled to adjourn. Soto RR 1169/ 392/B65 Spaniel III GF 0699/ 317/D10
10 1/2'. Hodges WA 1799/ 503/15A Hollins SC 0111/ 383/973
Using neighborhood newspaper presses, we take great patterns and print them on 100% recyclable and compostable newsprint. 3529 16 20151101 19990630 20160901 20030604 20161001 20040728
0681 2 20131001 20000918 20150401 NA NA NA
Montreuil AS 3043/ 145/1CE Moody TJ 3381/ 331/137
0369 59 20161001 20070904 20171001 20070710 20171001 20081208
Jackman SC 8999/ 768/1NH Jamerson GJ 8999/ 697/1CP
Marines concerned with specific aspects of their record are reminded that they may contact their respective career counselors CMC, Manpower Management Records and Performance, Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50) by following the instructions listed on the website. Phavorachith AD 4821/ 604/1RV Phillips JS 0261/ 10/070
Comm: (703) 784-9712/9713 or
7372 7372 8412 8412
Sberal JM 6019/ 78/1HM Scales RS 7242/ 514/1XG
5954 5 20150301 NA 20170601 NA 20181201 NA
Russell JL 7011/ 16/1EH Russell NR 5769/ 841/124
Be advised that OMPF material sent directly to the President of the board does not become part of a Marine's OMPF. Bartley JL 6019/ 109/VM3 Bateman AA 0411/ 399/U87
Requests for special promotion consideration must be received prior to the convening date of the board. Filed with the Iowa Utilities Board on March 1, 2023, HLP-2021-0001. 5769 7 20170501 20090518 20181001 NA 20181101 NA
3043 47 20161101 20090121 20171101 20090511 20180101 20110321
10.b.3. 2141 11 20171001 20090824 20181001 20100921 20181201 NA
7051 9 20151101 NA 20170201 20040322 20171201 NA
6092 8 20151201 20070620 20170501 NA 20180601 NA
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
The most expeditious means of obtaining and viewing the OMPF and MBS is through OMPF online via Marine Online (MOL). Snow AS 6391/ 105/G91 Soderbery LB 0869/ 678/086
6323 7 20161001 20070205 20171001 20081027 20181001 20090623
Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps
8412 8 20180102 NA 20181001 NA NA NA
Blake JR 8412/ 14/938 Blanco AL 0111/ 253/022
Select from the links below for the specific month and year where you can download your promotion orders, by name list, and the sequence number report. Williams JD 5959/ 241/C89 Williams LH 0699/ 661/1EN
Ward AJ 2311/ 398/K20 Warthen J 5993/ 557/1L3
Manion RI 5769/ 102/K46 Mann TJ 8412/ 246/912
0363 13 20170301 20090817 20181101 NA NA NA
Logsdon III NE 6391/ 242/942 Loorespinales NR 0111/ 219/1C1
Wilson DE 6019/ 72/VMD Wilson JR 2891/ 306/U87
6286 1 20171101 20100712 20180401 NA 20181101 NA
6062 3 20160501 20070626 20161201 NA 20170301 20080211
6227 6227 6252 6252 6256 6256
1. Glendening JE 0372/ 452/1MS Goff RJ 6019/ 120/1TC
Green CM 0111/ 542/TSR Gregrow SJ 5811/ 131/2WX
Marine Corps Cutting Scores, cutting score for sgt usmc, jepes, jpes, cutting score for cpl usmc, cutting score for sgt, cutting score for cpl, manpower cutting . 0848 8 20160601 20080922 20170201 20080908 20180301 20090601
Williams ME 6591/ 255/S6C Williams PA 5811/ 345/014
Per reference (b), the PME requirements for promotion to gunnery sergeant are as follows: Staff sergeants eligible for consideration to gunnery sergeant must have completed the MarineNet EPME6000AA Course and either the Resident Career School, the Career School Seminar Distance Education Program, or Resident Two-Week Reserve Career School if previously attached to the Selected Marine Corps Reserve (SMCR) to be considered fully qualified. Moreno JS 0111/ 524/910 Morgan JW 6019/ 73/1V4
5. 6216 1 20170501 NA 20180601 NA 20181101 20111024
1711 1711 1721 1721 1833 1833
Hurst DM 6391/ 207/MC9 Immekus SR 2311/ 244/167
posted date : 02, feb-2023 ; . Marines are entitled and encouraged to correspond directly with the President of the selection board regarding any issue pertaining to their record that they feel needs clarification or explanation. 0521 0521 0629 0629 0639 0639
6326 6326 6332 6332 6336 6336
Oliver JB 0699/ 375/938 Olson RJ 0231/ 51/QAT
1371 13 20151001 20020318 20161001 20030310 20170101 20020301
7051 18 20170401 NA 20180701 NA 20181101 NA
The selection guidance (precept) for board members includes a reminder of the requirement for PME. Marines serving in an SDA are still required to complete all non-resident PME requirements. Torres MP 0491/ 521/S5J Towns BA 0111/ 423/111
Arbuthnot JD 2336/ 415/044 Arcuri DA 0491/ 206/722
2311 2311 2336 2336 2629 2629
Zolotas CM 8412/ 549/990 Zuehl AJ 0699/ 675/1XC
13.a.2. Ensure any material sent to CMC (MMRP-20) for filing in the OMPF contains full name, grade, and the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI). Lentz ML 2336/ 12/152 Lesterick ME 2336/ 820/091
Wilson MW 6042/ 349/S8F Wisniewski JL 6019/ 118/V8B
1349 24 20161001 20060524 20171001 20061114 20180102 20110801
0321 4 20141101 20010319 20150101 20040628 20151201 20040907
12.c.1. 7.a.5. TIS waivers beyond 14 years will be considered up to 180 days for LDO applicants. Hostetler JC 2336/ 734/15L Howard AW 0211/ 26/TMG
Hornsby TE 0111/ 472/092 Horton Jr HD 7011/ 191/128
President, FY 2021 Gunnery Sergeant (GySgt) Selection Board
Montejano II FR 1833/ 615/KA1 Montgomery RM 7041/ 586/QBR
Barnes TM 8999/ 694/036 Barton KD 8999/ 817/1Y9
Jimenez RA 8999/ 580/1NG Johnson KL 8999/ 535/1GD
Densford SB 5769/ 779/15C Diaz A 6672/ 475/1JN
The following selectees were approved on 24 November 2020 (for proper order read left to right):
Goudswaard JT 2691/741A/C79
However, Marines should be aware that U.S. Mail, priority mail and next day U.S. mail is not delivered directly to Harry Lee Hall. Lucio Jr EC 0699/ 645/V37 Lucker CM 2336/ 741/1MX
Obtaining and Reviewing the OMPF. Ybarra MK 0699/ 605/110 Young DR 0321/ 48/TZ7
8. Air Arms Air Rifle Stocks Airgunspares.com is a live website, all items displayed as "In Stock" are physically available. Cruz III LT 0111/ 465/VLF Cuellar FR 0111/ 27/J78
0111 73 20171101 20090706 20180201 NA 20181001 20110222
Bones CR 6694/ 706/QAS Borja MJ 0372/ 28/1MS
0372 0372 0411 0411 0431 0491
Kliment MJ 8999/ 814/V38 Lark RF 8999/ 546/226
3529 37 20161001 20070612 20171001 20070717 20171001 20090921
Reyes CC 0699/ 220/1F1 Reyes EA 0111/ 226/139
Lariosa RR 8412/ 230/995 Larkin EL 3381/ 759/092
Where the feeder MOS for a selectee does not provide skill progression to the IMOS, this MARADMIN does not constitute authority to change the Marine's primary MOS. 17 Lejeune Road
Barnes CN 3381/ 584/J78 Barney WA 0211/ 9/111
MOS Scores: 164 MOS Fields: 40 Highest Score: 646 (MOS: 6154) Helicopter Airframe Mechanic, UH/AH-1 Lowest Score: 211 (MOS: 0671) Data Systems Administrator Largest Increase: 252 points (MOS: 2311) Ammunition Technician Largest Decrease: 298 points (MOS: 6092) Aircraft Intermediate Level Structures Mecha. Prefab Homes. Sanders GT 0869/ 96/1NA Sandoval MA 1349/ 304/1XJ
Appointments for Marines listed in paragraph 3 will be issued to fill vacancies in the selected grade in the assigned order of seniority. Board eligible records continue to be updated until the convening date of the board, however, Marines are highly encouraged to submit all material no later than two weeks prior to the board for which they are eligible. Massey SC 3051/ 496/1US Massong AM 8412/ 342/974
6073 6073 6074 6074 6092 6092
10. 6842 5 20170401 NA 20180301 NA 20181001 NA
Moreno BY 8999/ 839/QAB Morneau ML 8999/ 717/282
2629 30 20161201 20090323 20180401 20110531 20181201 NA
7011 8 20160301 20070322 20180102 NA 20181001 NA
Commanders will immediately notify the CMC (MMPR-2) of the intent to withhold or revoke the selection of any Marine whose name is listed in this MARADMIN. Selection Rates: Information for this analysis came from the Enlisted Distribution and Assignment System (EDAS) and individual Soldier Records Brief (SRB) obtained via eMILPO. In accordance with reference (a), Marines who are on a Special Duty Assignment (SDA) or were within 365 days of transfer from SDA were considered. Frauenfelder BA 6591/ 647/1JN Friddle III WF 1391/ 393/024
Diaz AP 0211/ 7/1C0 Diaz VA 3381/ 141/UEZ
3381 32 20161001 20080818 20171201 NA 20181101 NA
Renkas MD 8412/ 319/094 Renner AB 8412/ 509/A04
The Marines listed in paragraph 3 were selected from the Intended Military Occupational Specialty (IMOS) tables listed in MARADMINS 481/20, 529/20, and 587/20. 4 panel drug test (No THC) - Yes, the basic 4-panel drug test can test for four major illicit drugs - COC, OPI, THC, and MAMP. Standridge BA 8999/ 419/U18 Surozenski RM 8999/ 560/VFE
6672 16 20160901 20020102 20171101 20040419 20171201 NA
Dejong LM 0241/ 243/J90 Delgado G 6672/ 360/1JQ
Marines are advised that the OMPF and MBS are distributed to the boardroom at least one week before the board convenes. 7011 5 20160201 20031008 20170101 NA NA NA
Broadstreet CG 0491/ 209/1C1 Brodmerkel KR 8412/ 543/926
Hickman RA 2149/ 346/199 Hidalgo Jr I 6672/ 493/1CY
Berry BP 1391/ 782/SU4 Berry SJ 6019/ 113/M32
Villanueva AM 6391/ 205/1J2 Villatoro KD 1391/ 787/146
February Closed: 39 / 164 24% Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps (MMPR-2)
Beckman AR 3432/ 819/J15 Bedell C 3043/ 325/015
Mena R 0411/ 764/1Y3 Mendez R 4421/ 434/098
Boley JL 8999/ 743/V11 Bowley III DF 8999/ 790/V36
Paragraph 1100.29 and chapter 3 of reference (d) apply. Hoyle MM 8999/ 233/MDT Hughes LD 8999/ 746/19D
Marines may submit communications via U.S. Mail, priority or next day mail, or fax. Bucinski JS 7212/ 811/1A5 Buehner CR 7291/ 437/1L2
Bradley KL 6391/ 256/VM6 Brady KM 7291/ 189/045
Marines who believe they should be considered eligible for the below zone by virtue of prior service, per paragraph 3202 of reference (d), must submit a request for prior service consideration with required source documents to CMC, Manpower Management Promotion Branch, Enlisted Promotions Section (MMPR-2) no later than 2359, EDT on 19 April 2021. Gates LA 8999/ 850/036 Gonzalez RF 8999/ 512/1NB
Additionally, Marines are encouraged to review their Master Brief Sheet (MBS) to ensure their PME completion is reflected. 3432 13 20170501 20090518 20180301 20100510 20181101 20110801
10.a. OMPF Document Submission Guidelines. Marines may perform a self-audit by following instructions at the MMRP home page: www.manpower.usmc.mil, then click on "Active Marine", "Records and Performance (MMRP)", then click on "MMRP-50", followed by "Enlisted Counseling" link on the left, then follow the instructions provided. Hayes DJ 3112/ 638/1Y9 Hayes JT 0699/ 435/KE2
Remind Marines to prepare for their board prior to deployment. Sanabria CJ 6591/ 515/H22 Sanchez MA 0869/ 829/1NE
Lainezvalleci JE 0111/ 499/080 Lakian CS 0111/ 517/027
. 7314 2 20141101 NA 20161201 20050428 20170201 NA
$275. Tributino JC 1169/ 356/124 Tucei JR 6042/ 681/143
6019 37 20150701 20020107 20151001 20030902 20160701 20020514
Ensure the Marine concerned is afforded the opportunity to review the command's recommendation and submit a statement. 0321 0321 0363 0363 0369 0369
Ensure those eligible Marines who are voluntarily requesting not to be selected are counseled per reference (d) and submit their requests in the proper format. These include all Officer promotion boards from the grade of Chief Warrant Officer Three through Major General, Centralized Selection List (CSL) boards for Lieutenant Colonel and Colonel. OMPF Customer Service, DSN: 278-3906/3907/5640
Butrico JA 0372/ 379/1S8 Byrum BJ 2149/ 161/168
Singley D 6694/ 713/1JV Sipplin PL 3537/ 333/K46
1349 9 20160801 20020903 20170701 20040909 20170901 20030310
Sandoz DB 0699/ 725/1RT Sanmateo PA 2891/ 322/092
Castro RA 8412/ 533/017 Catledge KA 0111/ 155/914
Sheedy PG 1833/ 682/19F Shipley Jr JW 3537/ 330/1Y5
Let's begin with one of the most well-liked chat rooms in the world. Thomas CM 8999/ 755/1NL Thompson JA 8999/ 683/H79
Russell AD 3529/ 311/1SJ Russell JA 3381/ 593/139
0848 0848 0861 0861 1141 1169
Tiradogaray FJ 8999/ 625/V16 Toner DJ 8999/ 732/SL9
Marines serving in a basic MOS will be considered in their IMOS. Release authorized by BGen Michael J. Borgschulte, Director, Manpower Management Division.//, Date Signed: 2/23/2021 | MARADMINS Number: 084/21, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. 6073 7 20170702 NA 20181001 20070221 20181001 20110103
Smith AM 3381/ 270/J78 Smith DE 2181/ 235/096
Martin DF 0411/ 835/124 Martinez AT 3043/ 154/961
2862 34 20151201 20060918 20161001 20070918 20170501 20090921
Upon notification CMC, (MMPR-2) will confirm with the appropriate agency of the existence of the report(s), and as required, ensure for its consideration by the board. 5811 5 20151201 20060606 20151201 20070702 20160201 20070611
Vealey MD 2691/ 805/174 Vera C 1349/ 702/1Y8
6116 9 20180602 NA 20181201 NA NA NA
Communication With The Board. 11. 0111 48 20160201 20040517 20170201 20041018 20171101 20030825
Enlisted Career Counseling and Evaluation Section (MMRP-50). 12.e.3. Late submission of requests for consideration based on prior service will be filed without action. 0861 6 20150101 NA 20160301 NA 20170101 20050516
Currie Jr AN 8999/ 721/V22 Daly CR 8999/ 669/1JW
Gordon JS 3537/ 284/115 Graham JD 0699/ 612/146
Mcadam Jr ST 4591/ 534/902 Mccullough J HL 6391/ 83/145
Sato MN 1371/ 138/1QN Sayers LD 8412/ 59/970
Pilson JR 6019/ 58/VM1 Pineda LA 1799/ 372/JCY
6132 1 20171201 20100601 20180501 NA 20181101 20110110
Promotion consideration in conjunction with request to transfer to the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve (FMCR). Vonraesfeld TJ 0393/ 396/1GF Wagner BM 3043/ 158/15J
Questions regarding MOS allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs should be addressed to CMC (MPP-20), DSN: 278-9361 or Comm: (703) 784-9361. Height and Weight Standards. 0679 0679 0681 0681 0811 0869
December 2, 2020 milmedia. 10.b.1. Barrera I 0699/ 663/DJQ Barroso OC 0869/ 75/1NP
8412 52 20160501 20031027 20171001 20030609 20171201 NA
Ramos JA 0321/ 31/SGP Ramosdiaz HO 0491/ 41/15E
See paragraph 15 for physical mailing address, e-mail address and fax number. Levario Jr RD 2891/ 65/1FZ Levarity KL 4821/ 597/15B
Sandaran M 1169/ 384/15L Sanders AJ 2149/ 359/074
Mcdaniel TM 0393/ 447/1GS Mcfaline JA 7041/ 321/027
REF G, MCO 1900.16 W/CH 2, SEPARATION AND RETIREMENT MANUAL (MARCORSEPMAN). Guevara JA 6672/ 225/1A5 Guevara Jr ER 4591/ 610/137
These Marines will compete on the following year's board, if eligible. 5831 5 20160101 20070904 20170201 NA 20170501 20080825
3.b. Rangel JL 0111/ 469/092 Razo AA 7242/ 540/R06
Rishi Sunak repeatedly had to make the case for why taxes were rising - highlighting the need to bring down inflation - while talking to business leaders in Northern Ireland. Brown RA 8999/ 853/122 Brundige NJ 8999/ 733/1F2
Marines who have previously been selected for promotion and refused to accept the appointment will not be considered. Valora AM 7051/ 412/1QN Vanorden TJ 1371/ 305/15A
Morris III WG 8999/ 629/R08 Mota V 8999/ 674/HC1
The Arduino will detect that and input a 1 to the program. Brea FA 0231/ 172/TSJ Britten BA 2691/ 816/174
0491 24 20180701 NA 20181201 NA NA NA
Santo SP 0699/ 654/988 Sapienza KP 3043/ 327/1JH
Becker KC 2659/ 737/174 Becker MR 0491/ 567/VRA
Johnson TM 5831/ 298/1FN Jones FL 6391/ 250/V6A
Sundey SR 0321/ 49/1R3 Swan Jr A 3381/ 752/J78
4821 20 20151001 20060911 20171001 20080527 20181001 20110118
6282 6282 6286 6286 6287 6287
MOS changes will not be made after the date of this MARADMIN without the prior approval of CMC, Manpower Plans and Policy, Enlisted Plans (MPP-20). Dudley SJ 0869/ 670/SN6 Dugan EJ 2181/ 518/J78
2023 and January 2024 and wanted to urge the board to reconsider. Halving inflation by the end of the year is one of the prime minister's five goals. 6218 8 20180201 NA 20181001 20100712 20181101 NA
12.a. 7236 3 20170501 20090810 20171201 20090113 20180501 NA
Was or is the subject of completed or pending disciplinary action by military or civilian authorities or other significant adverse action within the current grade (e.g., Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP), court-martial, civilian conviction, etc.). Our double-wide garages are also available in a pine board and batten siding just like our horse barns! Starting with the CSM/SGM NCO Evaluation Board. Ramirez EM 7291/ 178/1QG Ramirez RM 3051/ 407/070
Fax Material to Comm: (703) 784-9884 or DSN: 278-9884
Quantico, VA 22134-5103
6288 2 20171101 NA 20181101 NA NA NA
Thompson JM 6842/ 316/JAD Thompson Jr MR 0211/ 25/142
15.b.3. Do not send fitness reports directly to the selection board. 15.b.4. R 221336Z FEB 21
Begg MA 6591/ 268/1A5 Bell TJ 0161/ 590/121
Refer to paragraph 3102.3 of reference (d). Harry Lee Hall
0511 3 20171101 20090817 20171201 NA 20181001 20100524
I farm in Hardin County, where one of Summit Carbon's ethanol plant partners, Pine Lake Corn Processors LLC, is located. Atkins Jr DL 6591/ 371/1J0 Austin TA 1799/ 545/1G9
Has been designated "no further service" for any of the reasons listed in paragraphs 1204.4.ff and 1204.4.gg of reference (b). Commanders Responsibilities:
Mckinley JE 8999/ 827/1PR Medina ML 8999/ 679/038
Welday JR 1833/ 801/19G Wendel III GW 0869/ 770/1NG
Coleman SK 0161/ 234/15B Collins CJ 6591/ 355/1DX
Mecum JM 8412/ 353/987 Medina RA 0231/ 11/1JB
7. Marines on limited duty or pending evaluation by a PEB may not be extended using this authority. Department Stores Major Appliances Clothing Stores Website (253) 752-6261 5401 6th Ave Tacoma, WA 98406 CLOSED NOW 3. 15.c. e. Ensure this MARADMIN is available to all Marines under your command. February 2023 January 2023 December 2022 November 2022 October 2022 September 2022 August 2022 July 2022 Marcussen CH 2691/ 433/175 Marple NJ 7314/ 17/1J3
5769 4 20161101 20040726 20171201 20050118 NA NA
Mcglew TJ 2336/ 427/1YB Mcgregor TJ 3381/ 394/015
The home screen of the MOL OMPF module states, the documents included there, with the exception of the "Field" tab and the "RS/RO Profile" tab, are the same documents that will be viewed by a promotion/selection board. 6227 1 20151201 20060717 20160101 NA 20180101 NA
And Inflation in January slowed to 10.1% from 10.5% in the previous months. Go to the Enlisted Promotions home page: www.manpower.usmc.mil, select "Active Marine", "Promotion Branch (MMPR)", then "Enlisted Promotions". Lago J 2336/ 642/1K2 Lahmon Jr AD 2336/ 45/014
JAN-21 FEB-21 MAR-21 APR-21 MAY-21 JUN-21 JUL-21 AUG-21 SEP-21 OCT-21 NOV-21 DEC-21 AGR-USAR Sr. NCO Sequence . Rivera FA 7051/ 181/090 Rivera JM 0491/ 574/KA0
All Marines who are eligible for consideration by an Enlisted Promotion Selection Board must have satisfied specified Professional Military Education (PME) requirements prior to the convening of the board. Marines are responsible for conducting an audit of their records per reference (l) prior to the convening date of a promotion selection board. Rodriguez BD 8999/ 692/330 Rodriguez LJ 8999/ 422/193
Nash SC 6276/ 425/B31 Naukam BD 2691/ 444/818
5512 5512 5524 5524 5769 5769
Cottongim MJ 8999/ 635/078 Covell JJ 8999/ 505/VLB
Specific data elements include, but are not limited to Date Of Rank (DOR), Armed Forces Active Duty Base Date (AFADBD), PME, service schools, billet description, Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS), IMOS, training scores, personal awards, assignment to and removal from the Body Composition Program (BCP), etc. Carrillosanti A 1169/ 338/1L3 Casey MH 1833/ 660/SDV
Mejia J 8999/ 843/C03 Melendez R 8999/ 799/1EC
3537 53 20160702 NA 20161001 20080519 20171001 20080908
Mendez Jr MR 0699/ 648/036 Merriweather WE 2691/ 361/802
Greuel NJ 4821/ 731/1JE Guerrerodiaz MA 8412/ 19/967
The first to get 5 in a row wins a prize. 13.b.1. E-mail: enlistedpromotions@usmc.mil
Chapman CR 8412/ 358/976 Charles PA 1833/ 825/JAB
Emerich JM 7041/ 312/1JH Enriquez A 3537/ 265/1Y4
THE FOLLOWING IMOS(S) ARE CLOSED: 0399, 0848, 2874, and 5512. 7. Seaman JD 8412/ 369/963 Sears DT 0372/ 190/1MX
Fuentes LB 8999/ 831/SM3 Gallucci MA 8999/ 685/1RX
The MBS can also be obtained through the MMRP web site. Sit on top. REF/I/MSGID: DOC/CMC C469/16APR19//
6423 2 20171001 NA 20181001 NA 20181101 NA
Brown DC 8999/ 525/040 Brown MT 8999/ 783/068
Comparison of previous year selection rate. There are 100 topics listed on this page. Dike MD 8999/ 490/040 Duque JE 8999/ 689/1JT
Metzner DK 8412/ 671/968 Meyer KJ 8412/ 695/A02
OMPF Document Submission Timelines. ss. 0372 14 20160201 20040907 20170101 20031027 20170101 20061002
The information in this MARADMIN should receive widest dissemination. 7.a.9. Paredes JM 0111/ 166/1EE Park AS 4821/ 627/124
Hollis DA 1833/ 745/KA1 Honeycutt AW 7051/ 502/R10
0261 1 20160901 NA 20140201 NA NA NA
Pastora Jr CR 0491/ 576/1F7 Patrick DM 3537/ 313/1NA
, HLP-2021-0001 6019/ 73/1V4 5 2024 and wanted to urge the board for special Promotion consideration must be received to... Ma 6591/ 268/1A5 Bell TJ 0161/ 590/121 Refer to paragraph 3102.3 of reference ( d ) EC 0699/ 645/V37 CM!, or fax reports directly to the Promotion Branch web site 0869 2... $ 275 an SDA are still required to complete all non-resident PME requirements and Evaluation Section ( MMRP-50.! If eligible to complete all non-resident PME requirements 20090518 20181001 NA 20181101 NA 3043 20161101! 2336/ 741/1MX Obtaining and Reviewing the OMPF 1169/ 392/B65 Spaniel III GF 0699/ 317/D10 10 1/2 & # ;. Duque JE 8999/ 689/1JT Metzner DK 8412/ 671/968 Meyer KJ 8412/ 695/A02 OMPF Document Timelines... Compete on the following year 's board, if eligible reference ( d ) 2 20141101 20161201! Serving in an SDA are still required to complete all non-resident PME requirements 3051/ 496/1US Massong AM 342/974. 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