a.15 feet Prior to occupation scaffold erectors must notify the competent person that the scaffold has been erected and is ready to be inspected. What should Ted do? Select the correct answer and then click DONE. c. 3.5 inches c.Select an anchor point for Personal Fall Arrest Systems (PFAS). All scaffolds more than six feet above the lower level shall protect employees with guardrails on each open side of the scaffold. Guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems must be used when the scaffold work area is _____. Designing platforms on two-point adjustable suspension types that are less than 36 inches wide to prevent instability; Making swaged attachments and spliced eyes on wire suspension ropes; and. a.Competent person Stationary scaffolds over 125 feet in height and rolling scaffolds over 60 feet in height shall be designed by a professional engineer. Based on your research, what conclusions can you draw about the type of media used to advertise various products? Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Check that scaffolds and scaffold components are capable of supporting, without failure, their own weight and at least 4 times their maximum intended load. Employers must provide access when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access. Contact EHS for assistance and guidance in any of the duties associated with being a Competent Person. Examining the scaffold tag (which should be affixed near the access point) to verify that a competent person has deemed the scaffold safe for use. Employees doing overhand bricklaying from a supported scaffold must be protected by a guardrail or personal fall arrest system on all sides except the side where the work is being done. Proper pinning is necessary to make sure the scaffold is steady and does not collapse. The victim was climbing the end-frame of a three-tiered metal scaffold when a midrail pulled loose. a.2 feet Please answer all of the questions before checking your quiz answers. While inspecting during scaffold erection and dismantling, make sure safe access for employees erecting or dismantling supported scaffolds is provided where it is feasible, and where it does not create a greater hazard. b.12, 16 Check that steps and rungs of ladders and stairway-type ladders line up vertically with each other between rest platforms. It is generally applied as a thin coat over a base coat and takes several days to achieve its designed strength. Each worker on a scaffold more than 10 feet above a lower level must be protected from falling to that lower level by use of guardrail systems or personal fall arrest systems. He suffered ). Which of the events increase potential GDP and which decrease it? safety@uchicago.edu, The University of Chicago Environmental Health and Safety, University of Chicago Accident Incident Reporting (UCAIR) System, Disabilities Self-Identification Questionnaire, Accident Incident Reporting and Investigation Program, Institutional Roles and Responsibilities for Safety Culture, Temporary Stairways, Ladders and Portable Ladders, Temporary Structures, Grandstands, or Buildings, Two-Point Adjustable Suspension Scaffolds. For erectors and dismantlers, determining the feasibility and safety of providing fall protection and access. Only the base coat gives the asphalt compressive strength.1. The scaffolding will extend twenty feet into the air. Additionally a user has the right to refuse to occupy the scaffold should they contest the competent persons findings. Ensure scaffolds are altered only under the supervision and direction of a competent person. c.6 feet a.Begin to erect the scaffolding. Stairs must be at least 18 inches wide and have a landing platform at least 18 inches long at each level. Do not force members to fit. Portable ladders tied off to the structure; Less than 300 volts; 3 feet; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet, 300 to 50 kv; 10 feet; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet, More than 50 kv; 10 feet plus 0.4 inches for each 1 kv over 50 kv; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet, Less than 50 kv; 10 feet; Two times the length of the line insulator, but never less than 10 feet. Access must be provided when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access. d.5 to 1, The space between adjacent planks and the space between the plank and the uprights must be no more than: 12. The top edge height of top rails on supported scaffolds manufactured or placed in service after January 1, 2000 shall be installed between 38 45 inches above the platform surface. All brace connections must be secured. Note: A level should be used during assembly to make sure new structural components remain in line. Because frame scaffolds are the most common type of supported scaffold, this course uses the Fabricated Frame Scaffold to describe requirements that are common to all supported scaffolds. A qualified person must do this analysis. d.Five times, Which would provide a more stable foundation? b. Additionally, scaffold erectors who have not erected a scaffold during the five year period from their previous scaffold erector training, shall need to be either replaced with an employee who is properly trained and will be erecting scaffolding on a more frequent basis or be retrained on the process of erecting scaffolds. c.Three feet To control the risk of a scaffold falling or collapsing, employers must assure that scaffolds are built within OSHA standards relating to strength and structural integrity. Supported scaffold - a type of scaffold that is supported by poles, frames, and outriggers, and usually consists of one or more platforms. answers again. \end{array} & \begin{array}{l} Employees doing overhand bricklaying from a supported scaffold must be protected by a guardrail or personal fall arrest system on all sides except the side where the work is being done. They must be in good worker order or tagged as defective and taken out of service. All planking or platforms must be overlapped a minimum of twelve (12) inches and secured from movement. c.Anyone Ensure planking is free of cracks and splits and within deflection limits (see below), Verify that planking remains within its safe load-bearing capacity. 2.Rubber Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Guardrail systems or guardrails are barriers erected along an unprotected or exposed side or edge of a walking-working surface The following are the requirements for specific types of scaffolds: Employee use of stilts on scaffolds is prohibited. This threshold differs from 29 . At all points of a scaffold where the platform changes direction, such as turning a corner, any platform that rests on a bearer at an angle other than a right angle shall be laid first, and platforms which rest at right angles over the same bearer shall be laid second, on top of the first platform. uuid:1f2371a8-90ab-42b0-a1cd-a86bdbf5cef5 You must cordon off the area prior to erecting or dismantling scaffolds above: Select the items below that must be considered when using scaffolding. The footing of scaffolding must be sound and rigid, capable of supporting the weight. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. 8. What should you do before dismantling a scaffold? Utilizing scaffolds in accordance with all local, state, federal, manufacturer, and institutional rules and regulations. The spaces between platforms cannot exceed one inch. A ladder or other safe means of access must be provided. In its simplest form, a scaffold is any temporary elevated or suspended work surface used to support workers and/or materials. The regulatory text also is found in 29 CFR 1926, Subpart L, which is available from the Government Printing Office at (202) 512-1800; (202) 512-2250 fax - Order No. Direct access is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches (36 cm) horizontally and not more than 24 inches (61 cm) vertically from the other surfaces. b.2 inches endstream endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <> endobj 22 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 1 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 5 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 8 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 11 0 obj <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 54 0 obj <>stream scaffold and scaffold components for visible defects. Access shall be provided when scaffold platforms are more than 24 inches above or below the point of access. After answering all the questions, click on the "Check Quiz Answers" button to grade your quiz and see your score. Direct . Cross-braces of the proper length must be used to ensure that the scaffold will remain plumb and rigid. To prevent movement, the scaffold must be secured to the building or structure at intervals not to exceed 30 feet horizontally and 26 feet vertically. Cross bracing is not acceptable as an entire guardrail system but is acceptable for a toprail when the crossing point of the two braces is between 38 inches (0.9 meters) and 48 inches (1.3 meters) above the work platform and for midrails when between 20 inches (0.5 meters) and 30 inches (0.8 meters) above the work platform. Make sure integral (built-in ladder) scaffold access frames: Stair towers have many specific design requirements. Personal fall arrest systems can be used on scaffolding when there are no guardrail systems. The top edge height on supported scaffolds manufactured or placed in service before January 1, 2000, and on all suspended scaffolds where both a guardrail and a personal fall arrest system are required shall be between 36 45 inches; When mid-rails, screens, mesh, intermediate vertical members, solid panels, or equivalent structural members are used, they shall be installed between the top edge of the guardrail system and the scaffold platform; When mid-rails are used, they shall be installed at a height midway between the top edge of the guardrail system and the scaffold platform; When screens and mesh are used, they shall extend from the top edge of the guardrail system to the scaffold platform, and along the entire opening between the supports; When intermediate members are used, they shall not be more than 19 inches apart; Each top rail or equivalent member of a guardrail system shall be capable of withstanding a force of at least 100 pounds for systems on single-point adjustable suspension or two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds, and at least 200 pounds for guardrail systems installed on other scaffolds; When the loads specified above are applied in a downward direction, the top edge shall not drop below the height above the platform surface required above; Mid-rails, screens, mesh, intermediate vertical members, solid panels and equivalent structural members shall be capable of withstanding a force of at least 75 pounds for systems with a minimum 100 pound top rail capacity, and at least 150 pounds for systems with a minimum 200 pound top rail capacity; Guardrails shall be surfaced to prevent injury to an employee from punctures or lacerations and prevent snagging of clothing; The ends of all rails shall not overhang the terminal posts except when such overhang does not constitute a projection hazard; Steel or plastic banding shall not be used as a top rail or mid-rail; Manila or plastic (or other synthetic) rope being used for top rails or mid-rails shall be inspected by a competent person as frequently as necessary; and. Giovanni arrives at a jobsite as part of a team contracted to repair ductwork. Does Joel need to provide a portable ladder for his team to access the platform? Cross braces shall not be used as a means of access. 3.Install a wind screen on the scaffold. As they return to the site to continue their work, the first step they should take is to: Plasterers, decorators and large area scaffolds; Step, platform and trestle ladder scaffolds; and. Work shall not be permitted during high winds. Ensure scaffold components manufactured by different manufacturers are not allowed to be modified to make them fit together, unless a competent person determines that the resulting scaffold is structurally sound. When it is infeasible to provide a work area at least18 inches (46 centimeters) wide, guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems must still be used. Make sure that anything that could cause a slip, trip or fall (i.e. to prevent falls. Make sure frames and panels are connected by cross, horizontal, or diagonal braces, alone or in combination, which secure vertical members together laterally. d.Add additional poles to support the scaffolding. c.1 1/2 inches d.12 inches, If the platform is over 10 feet, it cannot exceed how many inches over the centerline support? He performed a site evaluation and is ready to erect the scaffolding. Access must be provided when the scaffold platforms are more than 2 feet (0.6 m) above or below a point of access. If it can be demonstrated that a wider space is necessary, check to make sure the gap is as small as possible and does not exceed 9 1/2 inches. 4 feet Reviewing this policy to ensure compliance with current regulations; Reporting any questionable conditions that are discovered to the responsible department; Ensuring all affected employees are trained in accordance with this policy. Employee is Pulled off Scaffold, Suffers Injuries-Guardrails May Have Saved Him. 1.A number nine wire Tiebacks must not be secured to standpipes, vents, other piping systems, or electrical conduit. TypeofAdvertisementProductAdvertisedTargetMarketProductInformationFeaturedTelevisionBlackberryStudents-backtoschoolBlackberryPearl;$20discount;pinkorsilver;usetogete-mail,surftheWeb,andgetdirections\begin{array}{llll} d.24 inches, On high scaffolds, all planks should be secured by being tied down with: The competent person would need to know the individual scaffold base plate loading and if each one is below the maximum allowable deck loading. How much weight should a supported scaffold and components be capable of supporting without failure? At what height must employees use fall protection while working on a scaffold? The means of access must be determined before erection of the scaffold and employees are never allowed to climb on cross braces for either vertical or horizontal movement. When erecting and dismantling tubular, welded-frame scaffolds, and end frames are used as climbing devices for access, make sure: Horizontal members are parallel, level, and not more than 22 vertical inches apart. tools, scrap material, chemicals, snow, ice, etc.) 1.Slips and falls Employees erecting and dismantling supported scaffolding must have a safe means of access provided when a competent person has determined the feasibility and analyzed the site conditions. Nature of electrical, fall hazards and falling object hazards in the work area; Proper handling of materials on scaffolds; Proper erecting, maintaining and disassembling of fall protection systems; Proper construction, use, placement and care in handling of scaffolds; and. b.Three times Note: Except where indicated, these . Scaffold planks shall extend over their end support at least six (6) inches but no more than twelve (12) inches. c.10 feet d.Choose access points. The use of shore scaffolds and lean-to-scaffolds is strictly prohibited. \begin{array}{l} 3.Falling objects Scaffolds must be erected, dismantled, or moved only by properly trained workers under the supervision of a competent person. unstable objects are not used to support scaffolds or platform units. Direct access is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches (36 centimeters) horizontally and not more than 24 inches (61 centimeters) vertically from the other surfaces. Designing components in accordance with design specifications. Supported scaffold poles, frames, uprights, etc. b.18 inches foundations are set on base plates, mud sills, and other adequate firm foundations. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. The department recognizes that all employees who intend on occupying a scaffold must go through the appropriate scaffold user training (see above) conducted by a qualified person (i.e. Scaffolding student language requires that teachers understand their students and the language being used during lessons, to identify and support the targeted language that can be provided during instruction. Scaffold platforms above one section high must be provided with safe access. b.One continuous mudsill under both legs A qualified person must design all scaffolding in accordance with OSHA 29 CFR 1926.451 General Requirements for Scaffolds and 29 CFR 1926.452 Additional Requirements Applicable to Specific Types of Scaffolds. Scaffolds and components must be able to support at least four times the intended load. Ensure frames and panels are locked together to prevent uplift, where uplift can occur. 2.Always use the proper ladder or stairs. In such cases, verify that the platforms are as wide as feasible, and fall protection is provided. b.1 inch What should be Jayden's next step? All employees who perform work on a scaffold shall be trained annually to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and the procedures to control or minimize those hazards. Stairways must: have the stringers with a maximum slope of 60 degrees from the horizontal handrail on the open side of each flight Ramps used to access scaffolds must: Have a slope gradient not exceeding 1 in 3. Be sure employees are able to safely access any level of a scaffold that is 2 feet above or below an access point. Directing employees who erect, dismantle, move or alter scaffolding; Determining if it is safe for employees to work from a scaffold during storms or high winds, and ensure that a personal fall arrest system is in place; Training employees involved in erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting scaffolding to recognize associated work hazards; Inspecting scaffolds and scaffold components for visible defects before each work shift, and after any occurrence which could affect the structural integrity, and to authorize prompt corrective action; Inspecting ropes on suspended scaffolds prior to each work shift and after every occurrence which could affect the structural integrity, and to authorize prompt corrective actions; For suspension scaffolds evaluating direct connections to support the load to be imposed; and. Baker, Perry, Bil-Jax) whenever frames are stacked more than one section high. a scaffold must have a safe means of access to the scaffold when access is feasible and does not create a greater hazard. Cross braces shall not be used as a means of access. Ensure each employer working at any level over dangerous equipment while on a scaffold is protected from falling into the equipment. Select the correct answer and then click DONE. Frequency of the training to be determined by EHS and department management, but should not exceed period of 5 years from the previous training. Refusing to occupy a scaffold prior to the Competent Person providing documentation indicating that the scaffold has been inspected and deemed safe. For the current year, is Samsungs cash flow on total assets ratio better or worse than (a) Apples and 1.Use gravel to fill in the uneven spots. a.5 In general, a level is the easiest way to achieve the desired right angles. Note: Platforms may be coated periodically with wood preservatives, fire retardants, and slip-resistant finishes, provided they do not obscure the top or bottom wood surfaces. b.3 to 1 Direct access is acceptable when the scaffold is not more than 14 inches (36 centimeters) horizontally and not more than 24 inches (61 centimeters) vertically from the other surfaces. Scaffolds must be erected, dismantled, or moved only by properly trained workers under the supervision of a competent person. d.Registered engineer, Guys, ties, or braces must be installed where horizontal members support inner and outer legs when the scaffold has a height/width ratio greater than: The lifeline must be attached securely to substantial members of the structure (not the scaffold) or to securely rigged lines that will safely suspend the employee in case of a fall. Deemed safe access to the scaffold should they contest the competent person that the platforms are more than 2 above. 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