In some cases, its not so much a matter of choice as it is a matter of lack of growth and too-low frequency. A Deepening of Emotional and Spiritual Awareness. Web6 steps to deal with twin flame runner depression. These fears might well have been buried deep but the twin flame journey is one of healing and improvement. You agreed that you would meet and help each other awake quicker through all the suffering and pain, so that you could start your mission on the planet. Your twin flame runner is most probably going through a time of inner conflict right now, scared of doing the work while simultaneously aware of how they cant avoid it. WebIts not technically possible for a twin flame journey to fail in the long run. Believe it or not, but the runner often faces immense regret and pain upon separation from their twin. The runner is (usually) the one who either doesnt know anything about twin flames or doesnt believe (or isnt sure) that this is actuallyit. Sure, we talk about signs and patterns which a lot of us experience but there are always variations. Examples: avoiding phone calls or physical contact, shutting down emotionally. A change in priorities and a willingness to make the relationship a priority in their life, A recognition of the need to heal and grow, both within themselves and in the relationship. What to Do About Twin Flames in Other Relationships, 12 Signs of Twin Flames Missing Each Other, 6 Twin Flame Runner Return Signs (Look Out! after going through a tumultuous twin flame relationship. Fear of themselves. When this happens, your counterpart most likely acts like they dont care. Feeling uncertain or unclear about their feelings and the relationship. They (subconsciously) might feel like youre not ready yet. Even though the separator twin may be rejecting or putting on hold the twin flame journey, the energy cord never goes on a break. However, if the twin flame chaser starts working on themselves, stops focusing on the twin flame runner or even decides to cut cords in the twin flame connection, then thats when they usually start to feel the absence of their twin flame energy and start missing them more and regretting their actions. The runner may be feeling a sense of clarity, inner peace, and understanding in their experiences and relationship with the twin flame. Divine love doesnt do this. My Own Twin Flame Journey Sugardaddy. The best way to stop the twin flame runner from running is to work on yourself and give them space. Their soul calls for you and doesnt want to hurt you, while their life path calls for a period of separation. Fear is the reason they run in the first place. Its not an easy time for them, and sometimes, its not as simple as a matter of choice. This is when twin flame regret beings for the runners who just couldn't stay. Learn how to stop chasing love and let love chase you. Why Does Nobody Seem to Know? In a twin flame rejection, its normally due to their incapability to handle immense emotions and it can b Continue Reading 77 Sponsored by The Penny Hoarder What companies will send people money when theyre asked nicely? This does not mean youll achieve union in this lifetime, however. and trying to label it so simply does you both a disservice. The twin flame runners feelings are no simpler than our own and they go through their own turmoil during this stage. Theyre not trying to hurt you. The twin flame runner will be able to return after they go through the twin flame awakening process. I've worked with hundreds of clients from around the world and there's one thing I see constantly. While twin flame runners go through a period of inner conflict, they may also be experiencing remorse for what they did to the chasing twin flame. You picture them on a serene beach, sipping cocktails, and not thinking about you. Though it wont feel pleasant, the universe tries to push both the runner and the chaser to do their shadow work and process karma so they can make progress on their spiritual journey towards union. multiple similarities, sometimes uncanny. Theres not much you can do about this. Fear of you. So, lets dive deep into this topic and answer some of the most common questions we all ask at some point about the twin flame runner. They try desperately to maintain or return back to the way their life used to benormal, like others. For instance, they might accuse you of being too controlling without realizing they are also controlling in a different way. But it usually gets to a point where eventually their spirit guides and guardian angels will become more active in their efforts to help them heal and will make these signs so obvious that they will be almost unable to miss them and ignore them. chaser An increase in self-awareness and a deeper understanding of the importance of the relationship, A recognition of the value of the relationship and a desire to maintain and strengthen the connection. Have you reached the end of your rope with your twin flame? It can be the hardest thing we'll ever go through - and it's still worth it in the end. In fact, you must know these sequences of numbers are also on the list of 20 numbers that reveal your twin flame reunion is near. You would think that after the separation, the runner twin would feel free and happy, right? debunking chaser WebThe runner is hopelessly obsessed with the chaser. This is part of the twin flame dynamic and is simply how energy works. Theres also regret for hurting their twin flame. Thats why its not unlikely for you to notice symbols of regret when your twin flame regrets running away. But this is a whole topic for another blog as it can get quite complex, so lets move on. Usually, the reason iswayoff the actual reason but its a reason they understand. Directly, there is nothing you can do, unfortunately. The pain of separation makes it far too easy to just wallow but you need to balance helping them onwardand not neglecting your own growth. When your twin flame is running from all that, they are probably encountering many triggering situations that leave them feeling anxious. If you are reading this article, chances are youre a twin flame who has experienced or is experiencing twin flame separation the runner and chaser stage. Its going to manifest in many different ways and almost always result in a separation phase which is painful for you. In just a few minutes you can connect with a highly intuitive psychic and get tailor-made advice for your situation. Feeling regret about leaving you could lead to your twin flames awakening. Certain twin flames go back to their counterpart when they start feeling regret. As twin flame chasers this isreally what we want to know. Unfortunately, sometimes it can take months or even years for this to happen and they might even enter other relationships with other people in case they insist in not doing the healing work. Even so, it can be very worthwhile to speak to a spiritual advisor and get guidance from them. I recently spoke to someone from Psychic Source after going through a tumultuous twin flame relationship. Here are 7 no bullsh*t tips to try if your twin flame rejects you. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. A sign that your mirror soul regrets running is definitely when they appear in your dreams. In addition, you have the amazing ability to channel each others feelings. Admit it. The runner may reach out more frequently or initiate more conversations, indicating a desire to reconnect and rekindle the connection. And does the twin flame runner miss the chaser? The path to your twin flame union is full of pitfalls. The simple answer to this question is, the twin flame runner runs away because they are not able to face themselves and their own issues, at that specific time. If that mix isnt overwhelming, then I dont know what is. All that pain will cause them to regret being the runner. Its easy to use and accessible 24/7, so you can get answers whenever you need them. So, to kind of answer your question. But if you truly believe in twin flames, you know that this bond is deeply rooted in both twins souls. The runner often regrets separating out of fear, but usually, they arent even aware that thats the reason they felt like fleeing the relationship. All of this causes immense pain in the twin flame runner as well as they dont even quite understand why they are running or what they are running from. This is very painful and so their ego tries to protect them from all of that. Because they cant avoid it, however, they are feeling immense regret. I wasnt ready for the energy, for connection, for all Ive got. They are most definitely regretting the fact that theyre in pain. If you take a few moments to tell me about your journey so far, I'll send you a free twin flame reading to help guide you onward towards union. As long as youre able to continue to focus on your own journey then continuing to talk to the runner on the physical and/or higher dimensions can help guide them back to you sooner. Simply feeling that push can cause anxiety in some cases. As much as youd want to, you cant push them to grow any faster. They probably will regret blocking you pretty quickly, but due to pride and fear will take awhile to return. Id always been curious about speaking to a psychic, so I decided to go for it. This phase of the journey causes deep pain to both of you. maybe they cant explain what theyre feeling and why they are feeling it, rejecting the journey or simply unaware of it yet, twin feels the suffering of their counterpart, Spotting Twin Flame Physical Similarities [Important! This is because twin flames act as mirrors of each other bringing to the surface all the deepest wounds and issues that need to be addressed and healed. You dont get rid of it, you fashion it towards the divine love. The difference is that in most of the case the twin flame chaser wakes up before the twin flame runner and starts working on themselves sooner, which helps them heal faster. What made them run in the first place could make them run again. It might not be what you want to hear. Ive covered the twin flame separation stage before but sincemost of my readers are the more spiritually evolved soul (and therefore usually the chaser) we often only look at the chaser side of things. It really helps make sense of my journey and what I need to do next - Alexandra. Deep inside they are aware that they experienced a connection like no other. Before you experience another synchronicity, I encourage you to read about the 11 different types of twin flame relationships and find out which one youre in. The more you do this, the more magnetic your energy will be and the more love you will start immediately attracting into your life. During twin flame separation, twins are usually showered with signs and synchronicities such as frequently seeing 11:11, which give them hints about the healing process. They can answer all sorts of relationship questions, including those related to your twin flame. You can learn about me and the Twin Flamez website or, if you spot a problem,reach out for some help or advice feel free to contact me. Your twin flame runner might be reaching out because they regret hurting you. (So if youre doing that, this could be part of the problem!). Finding your Twin Flame is worse than finding a needle in a haystack. Examples: struggling with physical intimacy, avoiding deep emotional conversations. The runner may experience a heightened intuition and psychic sensitivity, leading to a deeper understanding of their experiences with the twin flame. Understanding the why is the key to understandingwhat next. The runner twin flame feels your pain along with their own feelings. Being apart from your twin flame can feel horrific, with intense feelings of regret and disappointment. Often the experience with the divine (not your twin themselves, but the divine within the connection, within each twin) is self rejection, because of the love and perfection of that love people feel unworthy of it, seeing their imperfections, they cant or dont feel they can measure up, or there is a fear that one should be allowed that.. its too good to be true type feeling. I was blown away by how kind, understanding, and genuinely helpful they were. Understanding what is M. ost importantly, it can empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to your relationship. In a twin flame relationship, the twin flame runner is the one who runs away from the connection during twin flame separation. And being in separation is not always a matter of choice for the twin that is doing the run. Does The Twin Flame Runner Return? The case may be made that the runner is actually going through even more pain than the chaser. The idea of the twin flame runner regretting their actions is complicated. It isnt a picnic for the runner either remember but its not something either of you is going to regret in the future. In some cases, theyre not even able to stop the merry-go-round of the separation, even though they might have initiated it. The separation will still be felt. Its rooted in truth. Period. Most importantly, it can empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to your relationship. They feel pretty much the same way, just that on top of that, they are in denial of their feelings. I have written an entire article on this topic twin flame went back to karmic ex -so go check it out. I was blown away by how kind, empathetic, and genuinely helpful my psychic was. WebTwin flame runner regret is not easy to bear or manage. In the below table, we explore the behaviors, causes, and feelings behind the twin flame runner return signs, providing insights into what to look for and what to expect from them. This seems to cause a lot of arguments in the twin flame runner community. When Do You Stop Chasing Your Twin Flame? Insightful Answers To Twin Flame Chaser Questions. If your mirror soul reunites with you just because they feel regret, it means they didnt fix any of the other issues that determined them to run in the first place. Resistance to change plays a big part in that, as well. By looking at your path specifically rather than general knowledge of twin flames in general. Its really up to your counterpart if they are willing to work on themselves and become an awakened soul. 1) The runner indulges in bad habits The first sign that a runner is slowly slipping into becoming the chaser is when they start indulging in bad habits. Or, if articles about twin flame runner regret often appear in your search suggestions, this could mean the same thing. Examples: changing their mind frequently, feeling conflicted. You and your twin flame have the extraordinary ability to communicate in other ways than just verbally and in writing. When the twin flame runner denies their feelings, they are basically trying to protect themselves from all the suffering that is involved in diving deep into old wounds, acknowledging that they exist and then doing all the hard work to heal them. Again, it is how this dynamic works. This is the point where you should learn more about the twin flame runner chaser dynamic to get a better understanding of the things youre going through. Theyre overwhelmed because theyre simply not ready to move forward (yet). Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Depending on the level of maturity and preparedness of the twin flame runner, the effort and time required for recovery from depression may vary. If you are in a Twin Flame relationship, it will be clear that your partner doesnt intend to cause you harm. During especially difficult separation phases they might regret some of the things they say or actions they take. 1) You notice symbols of regret. Anything you tell me will be in the strictest confidence. In most cases, hurting their twin is the last thing they want to do. A recognition of the need for healing and growth, both within themselves and in the relationship, A deeper understanding of the twin flame connection and the purpose it serves in their life. Only when they awake (check out the twin flame awakening process) and become conscious that they were actually running away from themselves rather than their twin flame, they will be able to acknowledge their feelings. Come what may avoid self-blame and practice self-love. It does not seek to blame!!! Because you are always on their mind, just as they are on yours, your twin flames energy is powerful enough to attract you to a certain place. But the twin flame bond is based on unconditional love which is deeply rooted in the very soul of each twin. This will seize things in that place, prolong suffering. Whether your twin flame is consciously aware of your soul bond or not, during separation theyre feeling disoriented most of the time. 2. The twin flame connection in the early stages often uncovers areas youboth need to work on. The runner may experience a greater sense of emotional and spiritual awareness, leading to a greater understanding of themselves and their connection with the twin flame. I know Ive said this before. Nobody likes being the bad guy, and in the case of twin flame runners, they often know that they are the ones preventing happiness for both themselves and their twin. When it hits you you know it. Here are 5 signs your twin flame is thinking of you. Or, if you suddenly notice numerous people wearing black clothes, driving black cars, and using black phones, this could also happen because of your counterparts feelings of regret. The fact that theyre rejecting the soul contract isnt always a matter of choice, as weve already discussed. Triggers arent necessarily bad, though, they ultimately push both of you to do your shadow work and evolve. They may NOT want to change their. In these cases, the running twin may feel immense regret. While the runner is struggling with their spiritual path and the plan the universe has for them, theyre going to go through a lot of painful triggering situations that are going to cause anxiety. Fear is an incredibly strong emotion, causing people to act in ways they never would otherwise. So, if the twin flame runner loves the twin flame chaser, why would they deny their feelings? But its never because they dont care about you. Trust me. The first question we all ask when our twin flame runs away after a beautiful period of bliss in the relationship is why did they run? Lives their life in constant fear about the unknown, Is more anxious or worried about what the future might look like, Is unable to/doesnt want to look at their past wounds or traumas, Tries to avoid confrontation of all sorts, Shows a lack of understanding towards conflict and difficult situations, Didnt find their life mission or purpose yet, Feels that there must be something else that they need to do, Feels that a relationship might prevent them from achieving their goals. I recommend you read some of my other twin flame articles or do some research on this. What Happens During The Twin Flame Separation Stage? Most importantly, take care of yourself! Every twin flame is one half of a soul and this polarity will strongly affect you both. Believe it or not, but the runner often faces immense regret and pain upon separation from their twin. 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