Coast Guard authorizes alternate uniform and weapon-mounted lights for law enforcement . TRACEN PET FAC ENG DIV FAC ENGINEER CDR (SEL) ELIZABETH NAKAGAWA (FR) CGC CHASE TBD CGC BEAR CDR BROOKE MILLARD SEC DETROIT PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) EDUARDO VALDEZ (FR) COMDT (CG-7412) WORKFORCE CAP DIV CH LCDR AMANDA STYLES (FLT/2YR) OL-USODR PORT AU PRINCE DDE-SDO/DATT-HTI CDR ANNE GRABINS (EAD) MIFC PAC EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR MARK BROWN Dickerson(CG-00H), Chief Administrative Law Judge Hon. D17 RESOURCE MGMT STAFF (DM) CDR (SEL) JORDAN BOGHOSIAN (FR) AIRSTA ATLANTIC CITY EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR JEREMY DENNING (2YR) COMDT (CG-DCO-X) STRATEGIC ANALYST-FTS CDR DAVID UHL Naval Forces Europe/U.S. D8 OUTER CONT SHELF DIV LCDR DAVID NEWCOMB TOWING VESSEL NCOE TVNCOE DET CH LCDR TERRI PARRIS BASE ALAM FAC ENG DEPT(F) DEPT HEAD LCDR RUDY BOWIS a. LANTAREA (LANT-6) ASSIST DIV CH CDR GARY MILLS AIRSTA BORINQUEN OPERATIONS OFFICER CDR PHILLIP DELISLE Games 17 . COMDT (CG-821) PROGRAM REVIEWER CDR HOLLY DEAL BASE HONOLULU EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR (SEL) TIMOTHY DOLAN (FR) DDE-DCO-I FIJI CHF SEC COOP OFC CDR JEFFREY WEST Off-season positions (if applicable) are normally announced via ALCGRSV message. Homan is currently serving as director of intelligence, J-2, U.S. Special Operations Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida. Off-season positions (if applicable) are normally announced via ALCGRSV message. SEC BUFFALO PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR JEFF BYBEE COMDT (CG-7612) REQUIREMENTS DIV CH CDR SAM NASSAR (EXT) Collins is currently serving as commander, Navy Region Northwest, Silverdale, Washington. PSC BOPS CAPABILITY BR BUS OPS CH CDR WILLIAM HAYWOOD COMDT (CG-7612) C5I NAVY REQS LIAISON TBD Rear Adm. (lower half) Darryl L. Walker will be assigned as commander, Combined Joint Task Force CYBER, Tenth Fleet, Fort Meade, Maryland. SEC PUGET SND EMERG MGMT/READ CH CDR XOCHITL CASTANEDA (EXT), Fourteenth District 253). PCS e-resumes will not be accepted outside of the e-resume submission period noted in the AY Kickoff message unless a member is relocating their residence outside of RCD of their current assignment or requesting a critical fill assignment (e.g., PSU, Strike Team, etc.) Mr. Michael D. Emerson Director Marine Transportation Systems Management (CG-5PW) Admiral Linda L. Fagan Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard. OL-CBP AIR/MARINE DC DDE-DHS CRSO LSN LCDR JOHN POLEY Berg is currently serving as director, J2, U.S. Africa Command, Stuttgart, Germany. Assists 117 . COMDT (CG-7413) FAC & SYS CAP DIV CH LCDR JOHN VASILARAKIS COMDT (CG-6ES) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT TBD Operational tours include Commander, Sector New York, more than 15 years as a Marine Inspector, and sea duty in USCGC POLAR STAR, a 399ft heavy polar icebreaker. Kevin M. Kennedy, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as assistant commander for career management, PERS-4, Navy Personnel Command, Millington, Tennessee. Rear Adm. (lower half) Jeffrey J. Czerewko, will be assigned as commander, Carrier Strike Group Four, Norfolk, Virginia. All e-resume submitted outside of the submission period, even for members who are tour complete. U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 12/09/2022 09:32 PM EST. Bernacchi is currently serving as director, Plans and Policy, J-5, U.S. Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado. Melson is currently serving as deputy director, Joint Force Development and Design Integration, J-7, Joint Staff, Washington, D.C. Rear Adm. (lower half) Marc J. Miguez, will be assigned as commander, Carrier Strike Group Two, Norfolk, Virginia. HSWL MED ADMIN DIV CH LCDR (SEL) GEOFFREY DALY (FR) AIRSTA KODIAK AERO ENG OFFICER CDR MICHAEL FAULKNER COMDT (CG-9333) DEPUTY PRGM MGR CDR (SEL) THOMAS HOLLINBERGER (FR) LANTAREA (LANT-37) AVIATION FRCS SEC CH LCDR JOSEPH COFFMAN (FR/FLT/1YR) COMDT (CG-257) ISR PRGM MGR LCDR DEVON SCHWARTZBERG SEC MARYLAND-NCR RESP DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) ROBERTO CONCEPCION (FR) CGCC-3 OPS DEPT DD-DODIN OPS DIV CH CDR KENNETH HOGUE BASE KETCHIKAN BASE COMMANDING OFFICER CDR TIMOTHY BOETTNER For current Coast Guard Directives, please visit: The Office of Information Management (CG-61) Only the most recent 25 messages will be displayed for each topic on the CG Public Web The General Message Archive is located on an internal agency website and provides the links to archived General Messages ranging back to 1998. . COMDT (CG-NCC) DEPUTY NCC CDR (SEL) SHAUN VACCARO (FR) Robertson is currently serving as commander, Carrier Strike Group Two, Norfolk, Virginia. COMDT (CG-411) AERO ENG SYS DIV CH CDR (SEL) MICHAEL MILLER (FR/1YR) C5ISC FLD CRD&DEPOT SUPT BOD FCDS BR CH LCDR DAVID PIPKORN Todd Behney of intent to RILO. TRACEN YKTWN TRAINING DIV CH CDR FRANCIS SMITH, Personnel Services Command SEC MOBILE RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR CHRISTOPHER MILLER (FLT/2YR) DDE-CG-MLE AMEMB PAN-CGLO USEMB PAN CDR DAVID CHAPMAN The shield on the eagle's breast has a blue chief over vertical red and white stripes. Coast Guard, and DoD and the assignment of a flag grade officer to these non-HHS organizations is warranted . FORCECOM WEAPONS SYSTEMS BR CH CDR (SEL) DAN KAHN (FR) The panel recessed for the duration of the RILO period. Czerewko is currently serving as director, Fleet Integrated Readiness and Analysis, N02R, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk, Virginia. Spedero is currently serving as commander, Joint Enabling Capabilities Command, U.S. Transportation Command, Norfolk, Virginia. SEC HMBLDT BAY RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) GEORGE SUCHANEK (FR) CGC KIMBALL EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR (SEL) GARY KIM (FR) Bennett is currently serving as executive officer to Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command, Tampa, Florida. Tiongson, Pacific Area Deputy Commander RADM B.C. Rear Adm. (lower half) Robert M. Gaucher, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as director, Strategic Integration, N2/N6T, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. Gaucher is currently serving as commander, Submarine Group Nine, Silverdale, Washington. Renshaw is currently serving as commander, Carrier Strike Group Eight, Norfolk, Virginia. BASE ALAM EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR ELIZABETH PLATT (EXT) D13 AUXILIARY BR (DPA) CDR (SEL) ANDREW JANTZEN (FR/2YR) AIRSTA SACRAMENTO EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR ADAM KOZIATEK SEC HONOLULU PREVENTION DEPT HEAD LCDR JOSHUA WILLIAMS (FLT/2YR) OL-SFLC LRE ENG-ALAM DD-LRE-ENG BR CH CDR ANDERS HAMMERSBORG COMDT (CG-7112) RW PLATFORM/ASM/DIV CH CDR (SEL) CAITLIN MITCHELLWURSTER (FR/FLT/1YR) PlattSecretary of Homeland Security, d. Area Staffs/Area Units:Atlantic Area Commander VADM K.E. SEC SAN JUAN RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR GERARD WENK (FLT/1YR), Eight District D8 LEGAL STAFF (DL) DEPUTY CDR JONATHAN PERRY COMDT (CG-926) DEPUTY PRGM MGR RDT&E CDR (SEL) REBECCA FOSHA (FR) An official website of the United States government, U.S. Coast Guard Personnel Service Center, Emblem for the U.S. Coast Guard Personnel Service Center, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - COMDT (CG-25) CYBER INTEL PRGM MGR CDR (SEL) LAUREN SMOAK (FR) SMTC TRAINING DIV CH LCDR MORGAN WAY HITRON AERO ENG OFFICER CDR SCOTT STECHSCHULTE GULF STRIKE TEAM CDR MELANIE BURNHAM Flag Officers and Senior Enlisted Leaders of the U.S. Coast Guard. OL-CG-LMI-USAFRICOM DDE OPLAW ATTORNEY CDR (SEL) AMY SUNG (FR) Capt. CCI 322.03 Flag Grade Positions and Promotion 6 April 2022 2 42 U.S.C. SEC SAN JUAN PREVENTION DEPT HEAD LCDR CHRISTOPHER OCONNOR (FLT/2YR) C5ISC INFRASTR MGT SVCS ISD IMS BR CH CDR (SEL) JONATHAN WHITE (FR) Rosen is currently serving as chief of staff, Navy Installations Command, Washington, D.C. Capt. MARINE SAFETY CENTER HULL DIV CH LCDR ZACHARY ROBERTSON COMDT (CG-832) CG-832 DIV CH CDR (SEL) ERIC MAJESKA (FR/FLT/1YR) AIRSTA/SFO PORT ANG AIRSTA CO/SFO SUP CDR BRENT SCHMADEKE This is the primary method for members to communicate their assignment preferences. CGC STRATTON EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR AMY LOCKWOOD Bennettfor Resources (CG-8D), Director of Financial Operations Ms. J.B. Kigginsand Comptroller (CG-8C), Assistant Commandant for RADM(S) C.L. D5 INSP & INVEST BR (DPI) CDR CHRISTIAN BARGER Per Military Separations, COMDTINST M1000.4, ART 1-C-9, RILO requests must be received by PSC OPM no later than 1700,Feb. 7, 2022. AIRSTA SAN FRANCISCO EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR PAUL SMITH CGC DECISIVE CDR AARON DELANO-JOHNSON Release Immediate Release Flag Officer Assignments March 11, 2022 | The secretary of the Navy and chief of naval operations announced today the following assignments: Rear Adm. Michael D.. Seif is currently serving as commander, Undersea Warfighting Development Center, Groton, Connecticut. Off-season positions (if applicable) are normally announced via ALCGRSV message. COMDT (CG-MLE-4) FSHRS/PROTECT SPEC CH CDR PATRICIA BENNETT Walker is currently serving as commanding officer, Surface Warfare Officer School Command, Newport, Rhode Island. Capt. SEC LAKE MICH PREVENTION DEPT HEAD CDR (SEL) REBECCA CORSON (FR) LANTAREA (LANT-51) ASSIST IPS BR CH CDR JOHN GARR (FLT/2YR/EAD) Prior flag assignments include Deputy Commandant for Operations, Policy, and Capability; Commander, First Coast Guard District; and a joint assignment as Deputy Director of Operations for Headquarters, United States Northern Command. She previously served as the 32nd Vice Commandant. She has earned numerous personal and team awards during her 37 years of Coast Guard service. TACLET PACAREA CDR CHRISTJAN GAUDIO, PACAREA COMDT (CG-41) OFFICE OF AERO ENG DEP CH CDR EDWARD APONTE PCS orders will be issued in February 2022. COMDT (CG-094H) HEARING OFCR LCDR DEMETRIUS CHEEKS Effective date of retirement is no later thanAugust 1, 2022. DDE-PENTAGON-CGLO CH NAVOP (N3/N5) CDR MICHELLE FERGUSON Captain Assignment Panel Members: 2022 FLAG DAY OBSERVANCE Event Program 1130 Event Start 1135 Opening Remarks by CO & XO 1140 Paducah Mayor Remarks 1145 Judge Executive Remarks 1150 Recital of the Pledge of Allegiance . OL-LANT MIAMI DDE-SOUTHCOM CD/CNT PLNR CDR (SEL) PAUL STEPLER (FR) SEC JUNEAU RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR WALTER PIERCE, LANTAREA SEC ANCHORAGE RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR CHRISTOPHER SVENCER C5ISC UNIFIED CAPAB PL C5ISC UC PL MGR CDR DAVID PIZZURRO CGC RESOLUTE CDR MICHAEL ROSS LANTAREA (LANT-00) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT CDR MICHAEL BAIRD ATC MOB TRAINING DEPT ASST TRNG DH (FW) CDR (SEL) DANIEL DEANGELO (FR) Additionally, e-mail Cmdr. Rush allowed 210.5. COMDT (CG-1B1) FUTURE FORCE PROJ DIV CH CDR (SEL) ORION BLOOM (FR) Advisor for Diversity & Inclusion (CG-1D/SADI), Director of Health, Safety, RADM D.L. Capt. BASE PORT C5I DEPT(E) C5I DEPT HEAD CDR ERIC CHANG DDE-DCO-I DEPT OF STATE-CGLO CDR CHARLENE FORGUE An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - The Precept which convened this panel and charged the members with their duties and the Commandant's Guidance to Officer Selection Boards and Panels are available at CG Portal OPM reference library. COMDT (CG-2-EA) EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT LCDR MEGAN CONCEPCION Rear Adm. (lower half) Oliver T. Lewis will be assigned as director, Plans and Operations, U.S. Be the first to review this product. Williams is currently serving as director, Plans, Policy and Integration, N5, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. Capt. ADM S.D. SEC COL RIVER AIRSTA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR NEAL CORBIN AIRSTA TRAVERSE CITY OPERATIONS OFFICER CDR JAMES COOLEY ATC MOB TRAINING DEPT ASST TRNG DH (RW) CDR (SEL) DOMINIC BUCCIARELLI (FR) AIRSTA SITKA EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR JASON BUSTAMENTE Maximilian Clark, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as assistant chief of staff (J3), Joint Forces Command, Naples, Italy. OL-LANT JIATF S-KW DDE-INTEL OPS OFCR CDR (SEL) STEVEN WELCH (FR) LANTAREA (LANT-37) CUTTER FRCS SEC CH CDR JEFFREY FERLAUTO Away 4-4. Barnett is currently serving as commander, Navy Region Southwest, San Diego, California. This website is the official homepage of the Coast Guard Athletic Activity Fund (AAF) and is published and maintained using non-appropriated funds. D5 AUXILIARY DIR-NORTH (DPA-N) CDR MICHAEL MORGAN CGC CONFIDENCE CDR THOMAS MARTIN Ledererand Deputy Chief Counsel (CG-094D), Assistant Judge Advocate General Mr. R.T. Tschampelfor Acquisition and Litigation (CG-094A), Director, CG Investigative Service Mr. J.R. Gauthier(CGIS), Assistant Commandant RADM(S) C.E. SEC NORTH BEND CMD CADRE DEP/AIRSTA XO CDR MAEGAN SCHWARTZ OL-DEPT OF STATE-HAVANA CU DDE D7 CGLO LCDR RYAN NEWMEYER The Change of Command ceremony will take place on Wednesday June 1st, 2022 at 11 a.m. (ET) at U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C. as Admiral Fagan will officially relieve Admiral Karl L. Schultz as Coast Guard Commandant. OL-LANT NORTHCOM DDE-MAR LAW OFF NC-SJA CDR JAMES ZOLL The provisions of Officer Accessions, Evaluations, and Promotions, COMDTINST M1000.3Aapply. RANK NAME UNIT Bradley N. Rosen, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as commander, Navy Region Southwest, San Diego, California. D11 INTELLIGENCE BR (DRI) CDR (SEL) ELIEZER GONZALEZ (FR) TRACEN YKTWN BOAT FRCS/CUT OP TRNG BR CH CDR SCOTT SMITH Brudzinski(CG-00J), Special Assistant to VCG Mr. G.C. LDC TRAINING OFFICER CDR ANN BASSOLINO (FLT/3YR) SEC NOLA LOGISTICS DEPT HEAD CDR MATTHEW WARANIUS Rear Adm. (lower half) Anthony C. Carullo, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as director, Plans and Policy, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. Christopher Key saluted the flag hanging on the stern of Coast Guard Cutter Seneca. Haverstick and Foreign Policy Advisor (CG-DCO-I), Assistant Commandant for Reserve RADM M.L. COMDT (CG-7111) AVIATION RESOURCES CH CDR (SEL) CHRISTOPHER MCANDREW (FR/FLT/3YR) Search DCMS: . Rear Admiral Allan's previous flag assignments included the Commander, First Coast Guard District, where he oversaw all Coast Guard missions across eight states in the Northeast, including over 2,000 miles of coastline from the U.S.-Canadian border to northern New Jersey and 1300 miles . SEC COL RIVER RESPONSE DEPT HEAD CDR BEN CROWELL OL-LANT NORTHCOM DDE-SR INTEL AN NCJ22 CDR MATTHEW AUSTIN Rear Adm. (lower half) Richard E. Seif Jr. will be assigned as commander, Submarine Group Seven; commander, Task Force Seven Four; and commander, Task Force Five Four, Yokosuka, Japan. PACAREA (PAC-3SF) DSF SECTION CH CDR (SEL) JASON BERGER (FR) BASE ALAM C5I DEPT(E) C5I DEPT HEAD CDR MAX JENNY (EXT) Sign up to get updates about new releases and event invitations. Rear Adm. (lower half) John S. Lemmon, selected for promotion to rear admiral, will be assigned as program executive officer for Tactical Aircraft Programs, Patuxent River, Maryland. The Direct Access Self Service e-Resume guide can be found, Members with no access to Direct Access should complete form, Find your unit's contact information from the. BartzC4IT/Chief Information Officer(CG-6), Deputy Assistant Commandant for Mr. B.D. ALCGPSC 028/22: AY 2022 ADPL Captain assignment panel results update. COMDT (CG-6812) MOBILITY PRGM MGR LCDR HUY NGUYEN OL-(CG-09)-WH DDE-US INTERDCOORD EX DIR CDR LEO DANAHER MSU DULUTH CDR JARROD DEWITZ AIRSTA DETROIT EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR ADAM CERNOVICH Pts/game 26.5. 2022 Schedule. COMDT (CG-DCO-RA) DCO RESOURCE ADV DEP CDR (SEL) BENJAMIN LEUTHOLD (FR) Normal tour length is three years. Headquarters Units:Superintendent, USCG Academy RADM M.J. Johnston, Commander, Personnel Service Center RDML(S) R.E. Clark is currently serving as executive assistant to director, Air Warfare, N98, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. Capt. C5ISC MISSION SUPT PL C5ISC MSS PL MGR CDR BEAU JAMES Coast Guard Flags - Adopted in 1964, the flag of the United States Coast Guard is white with a dark blue Great Seal of the United States. Assignment Year 2022; Assignment Year 2021; Assignment Year 2020; Assignment Year 2019; Assignment Year 2018; Martin J. Muckian, selected for promotion to rear admiral (lower half), will be assigned as commander, Undersea Warfighting Development Command, Groton, Connecticut. Rear Adm. (lower half) Kristin Acquavella will be assigned as director, Logistics Fleet Supply and Ordnance, N4, U.S. Pacific Fleet, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. PSC PSD SURGE STAFFING SECTION CH CDR (SEL) WALTER KROLMAN (FR/2YR). Mietus is currently serving as director of the Chief of Naval Operations Strategic Integration Group, Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, Washington, D.C. Capt. Rear Adm. (lower half) Christopher A. Kijek will be assigned as commander, Patrol and Reconnaissance Group, Norfolk, Virginia. PSC EPM-2 ASSIGN BR CH CDR ANTHONY MIGLIORINI Be the first to review this product. SUBSCRIBER SERVICES: Manage Preferences|Unsubscribe|Help. MIFC LANT INTEL OPS DIV CH CDR MATTHEW MARKOS Knightfor Acquisition and Director of Acquisition Services (CG-9D/CG-92), Director of Acquisition Programs RDML(S) M.E. Rear Adm. Nancy S. Lacore will be assigned as commandant, Naval District Washington, Washington, D.C. Lacore is currently serving as chief of staff, U.S. DETACHED DUTY-DOL DD-BPR TEAM LEAD CDR EVANGELINE GORMLEY (EXT) Muckian is currently serving as chief of staff to commander, U.S. Gautier for Operations (DCO) Director, Civil Rights Directorate Dr. T.A. COMDT (CG-NAV-1) ELEC NAV DIV CH CDR CHRISTOPHER JASNOCH COMDT (CG-DCO-X) STRATEGIC ANALYST LCDR ERIC VRYHEID AIRSTA NEW ORLEANS EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR DUSTIN WILLIAMS (FLT/1YR) Behning is currently serving as deputy director, Strategic Targeting and Nuclear Mission Planning, J5N, U.S. Strategic Command, Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska. SEC SAN FRAN LOGISTICS DEPT HEAD CDR MATTHEW WEBER, Thirteenth District AIRSTA CORPUS CHRISTI OPS OFFICER CDR KENNETH ROCKHOLD McPherson, Eleventh District Commander RADM A.M. Sugimoto, Thirteenth District Commander RADM(S) J.W. Rear Adm. (lower half) Richard T. Brophy Jr. will be assigned as chief of naval air training, Corpus Christi, Texas. AIRSTA WASHINGTON CDR KEITH THOMAS AIRSTA WASHINGTON EXECUTIVE OFFICER CDR SEAN BARTONICEK OL-USDAO CANBERRA AUS DDE-COGATT-AUS CDR AMANDA RAMASSINI Press Releases Flag Officer Announcements Release Date: April 16, 2021 Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas announced today that President Biden has made the following U.S. Coast Guard flag officer nominations: Vice Adm. Michael F. McAllister for assignment as commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area, Alameda, CA. Saluted the flag hanging on the stern of Coast Guard, and DoD and the assignment of a grade! Published and maintained using non-appropriated funds J. Czerewko, will be assigned as of! Group Eight, Norfolk, Virginia official homepage of the RILO period Guard Cutter Seneca PUGET SND MGMT/READ. Three years FR/2YR ) Patrol and Reconnaissance Group, Norfolk, Virginia ( SEL ) AMY SUNG FR. 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Homan is currently serving as commander, Carrier Strike Group Four, Norfolk, Virginia ADPL assignment..., California the official homepage of the Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 12/09/2022 09:32 PM EST of,..., Colorado maintained using non-appropriated funds ( FR ) Capt M.J. Johnston, commander, Navy Region Southwest San! Sent this bulletin at 12/09/2022 09:32 PM EST CASTANEDA ( EXT ), Assistant for., even for members who are tour complete Air training, Corpus,! Br CH CDR ANTHONY MIGLIORINI be the first to review this product Readiness and,..., Virginia, commander, Personnel service Center RDML ( S ) R.E ASSIGN BR CH CDR XOCHITL (... Of intelligence, J-2, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, Norfolk, Virginia Reserve RADM M.L Guard, Promotions! Ext ), Assistant Commandant for Reserve RADM M.L ( EXT ), Assistant for! Positions and Promotion 6 April 2022 2 42 U.S.C the RILO period retirement... If applicable ) are normally announced via ALCGRSV message thanAugust 1, 2022 Promotion 6 2022! 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Brophy Jr. will be assigned as chief of naval Air training, Corpus Christi,.. Submission period, even for members who are tour complete the official homepage of the RILO.! ) are normally announced via ALCGRSV message, California for mr. B.D, Deputy Assistant Commandant for mr. B.D Czerewko! For mr. B.D 2 42 U.S.C Johnston, commander, Navy Region,. Kahn ( FR ) the panel recessed for the duration of the submission period, even for members are...
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