; The diffusion of regulatory reforms in pension systems: Latin America in comparative perspective; The domestic determinants of Mexico's trade strategy; The durability of constitutions in changing environments: a study on constitutional stability in Latin America; The dynamic linkage between renewable energy, tourism, CO2 emissions, economic growth, foreign direct investment, and trade; The dynamics of social deprivation in Mexico; The economic integration of Spain: a change in the inflation pattern; The economics of inequality, poverty, and health: life after deaton's report; The edict on religion of 1788 and the statistics of public discussion in Prussia; The effect of agricultural subsidies on migration and agricultural employment; The effect of coca and FDI on the level of corruption in Bolivia; The effect of electoral rules on indigenous voting behavior in Mexico's state of Oaxaca; The effect of party nationalization on political corruption; The effect of remittances and migration on human capital: evidence from Mexico; The effect of trade and foreign direct investment on inequality: do governance and macroeconomic stability matter? WebThe Clerk's Office assumes no liability for any legal consequences arising out of any information on these pages. ; Indigenous peoples -- Politics and government. Comentario a Robles y Garca; Falsos portales que conectan a Mxico con el cibercrimen transnacional: ciberdelincuentes ya no asaltan bancos ni casas; con internet y un click atacan a sus vctimas, esta amenaza por los cibernautas apenas empieza; Falta de acceso a la justicia a migrantes vctimas o testigos de un delito; Falta de acceso al derecho a la identidad y a la educacin; Familiares de desaparecidos logran aprobacin de ley contra desaparicin en Mxico; Familias migrantes sin remesas: anlisis del Programa Recproco para el Cobro de Pensiones Alimenticias, UIFSA; Fatiga, lmites de deuda y espacio fiscal de los gobiernos estatales en Mxico; Fe de erratas; Federal against local governments: political accountability under asymmetric information; Federalismo fiscal en Mxico: cmo vamos? pat.austin@co.benton.wa.us 509-736-3071 ext. ; Petroleum industry and trade -- Vertical integration. ; College attendance -- Political science -- Mexico -- Statistics. ; Derivative securities; Detention of persons -- Mexico. ; Political parties -- Accounting -- Mexico -- Mathematical models. ; Indians of Mexico -- Mexico -- Chiapas (State) -- Social life and customs. ; Latin America -- Politics and government -- 1982-; Latin America -- Politics and government -- 20th century. ; Housing policy -- Mexico -- Acapulco (Guerrero); Housing policy -- Mexico -- Evaluation -- 2016-2018.; Housing policy -- Mexico -- Mexico City. ; Enlightenment -- Prussia (Germany) -- 18th century. Secretara de Seguridad Pblica -- Appropriations and expenditures -- 2001-2011 -- Statistics. ; Environmental monitoring -- Mexico -- 2004-2012 -- Mathematical models. ; Internet in political campaigns -- Mexico -- Nayarit (State) -- Econometric models. ; Corn -- Economic aspects -- Mexico. ; Commercial policy -- Mathematical models. ; Sexual minorities -- Mexico -- Public opinion -- Statistical methods. ; Prisoners -- Legal status, laws, etc. ; Antitrust law. ; Constitutional entrenchment -- Mexico. ; Presidents -- Mexico -- Election -- 2000.; Presidents -- Mexico -- Election -- 2006 -- Congresses. ; Women and the military -- Statistical methods. ; Jurisprudence -- Mexico. ; Municipal water supply -- Effect of supervisors (Industrial) on -- Mexico -- Puebla (State); Municipal water supply -- Government policy -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. ; Service industries -- Effect of technological innovations on -- 1994-1999 -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. ; The 2012 election in Mexico: campaigns, results and conflict; The Americas and the world 2008: foreign policy and public opinion in Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru; The Americas and the world 2010-2011: public opinion and foreign policy in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru; The Argentina paradox: microexplanations and macropuzzles; The Bush revolution in foreign policy and Mexico: the limits to unilateralism; The COVID-19 economic crisis in Mexico through the Lens of a financial conditions index; The Catholic Church, political institutions and electoral outcomes in Oaxaca, Mexico; The Europeanization of national foreign policies towards Latin America: the conceptual framework; The Kuperberg conjecture is true in two dimensions: any strictly compact C2 figure can be fixed firmly by three points unless it is the disk; The Latin bias: regions, the western media and human rights; The Mexican cotton textile industry: and overview; The Mexican government and its critics from abroad: limits and possibilities of communicative interaction in the area of human rights; The accident of birth: effect of birthweight on educational attainment and parents compensations among siblings; The ball is in your court: mediation and blamecasting; The basic economics of rules origin; The budgeting process in Mexico; The challenge of market power under globalization; The cognitive transition in Mexico: economic geography and local governance impacts; The construction of over-and under-population: some critical reinterpretation of the population problem; The corporate governance of the Mexican banking system: a historical perspective: 1994-2000; The correlation dimension ratio: comparison with the DBS statistic; The credibility and performance of unilateral target zones: a comparison of the Mexican and Chilean cases; The demand for military spending in Latin American countries; The determinants of industrial growth across Mexican regions: a review of the empirical evidence and the role of public policies; The development of mobile money systems; The differential impact of international integration on local economies: how are lagging Mexican regions performing? ; Economic stabilization -- Mexico -- Econometric models. ; Justice, Administration of -- Effect of public opinion on -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. ; Negotiable instruments Mexico -- Mathematical models. ; Oportunidades (Mxico) -- Finance. ; Consumption (Economics) -- Effect of economic aspects on -- Mexico -- 1989-1994.; Consumption (Economics) -- Effect of monetary policy on -- Mexico -- Econometric models. In Alberto Amaral, Glen A. Jones and Berit Karseth (eds. ; Human rights. ; Indians of Mexico -- Economic conditions. ; Police -- Precarious employment -- Mexico. ; Telecommunication -- Prices -- Effect of rates on -- Mexico -- 2017 -- Mathematical models. ; Mines and mineral resources -- Government policy -- Effect of social conflict on -- Mexico -- Mathematical models. : dominacin masculina, violencia de gnero y violencia domstica como determinantes de la participacin de mujeres en peacekeeping; El conflicto como condicin de la democracia? ; Public investments -- Cost effectiveness -- Mexico. ; Financial literacy -- Mexico -- 21st century. ; Non-governmental organizations -- Social aspects. ; Economic development -- Efect of Economic policy on -- Latin America -- Econometric models. ; Proyecto Ciudad Segura (Ciudad de Mxico) -- Evaluation. ; Informal sector (Economics) -- Mexico. ; Minority stockholders -- Legal status, laws, etc. ; Petroleum industry and trade -- Government policy -- Mexico -- 2008.; Petroleum industry and trade -- Government policy -- Mexico. As a general rule, business or business casual clothing is acceptable. ; Cloud computing -- Mexico. ; Trust -- Mexico -- Case studies. ; Mexico -- Foreign relations -- America -- 2010 -- Public opinion -- Statistics. ; Meat industry and trade -- Mexico -- Econometric models. ; Soil conservation -- United States -- Maryland -- Econometric models. ; Regional planning. ; Industrial productivity -- Effect of corporate debt on -- Mexico -- Econometric models. ; Sex discrimination against women -- Mexico. ; Psychiatry and religion. ; Business cycles -- Latin America -- 1950-1995 -- Econometric models. ; Education, Secondary -- Mexico -- Costs. ; Citizens' associations -- Participation -- Effect of victims of crimes on -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. ; Rent -- Mexico -- Hedonic models. ; Information asymmetry. ; Political parties -- Mexico -- Platforms -- 2000-2012.; Political parties -- Mexico. ; Water quality -- Effect of pollution on -- Pennsylvania -- Statistical methods. ; Financial services industry -- Law and legislation -- Mexico. ; Marketing research -- Mexico -- Econometric models. ; Public health -- Social aspects -- Mexico. ; Liberty. ; Roads -- Mexico -- Evaluation -- 2013-2018 -- Statistics. ; Malthusianism. ; Right-wing extremists -- Germany -- 2015-2018.; Rio Grande (Colo.-Mexico and Tex. ; Banks and banking -- Effect of poverty on -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. benton courthouse iowa ; Constitutional history -- Mexico. ; Clocks and watches -- England -- History. ; Poverty -- Effect of economic development on -- Mexico -- States -- 2008-2016 -- Statistical methods. ; Reproductive rights. ; Electronic government information -- Mexico. ; Teachers -- Salaries, etc. ; Competition -- Econometric models. **As of January 1, 2022** We will no longer be accepting personal checks for fine payments. ; Government productivity -- Mexico -- Evaluation. ; Wages -- Effect of learning and scholarship on -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. : hedonic evidence from Mexico City; Are the Mexican States and the United States business cycles synchronized? ; Good faith (Law) -- Spain -- Comparative studies. ; Social networks -- Economic aspects -- Mexico -- Mixtln (Jalisco) -- Statistics. ); Review of The paradox of continental production: national investment policies in North America, by Barbara Jenkins; Review of The paradox of plenty: oil booms and petro-states, by Terry Lynn Karl; Review of The paradox of revolution. ; Equality -- Effect of income distribution on -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. ; Interest rates -- Forecasting -- Mexico -- Mathematical models. ; Public contracts -- Government auctions -- Effect of prices on -- Mexico -- 2015-2017 -- Econometric models. ; Endogenous growth (Economics) -- Mathematical models. ; Organizational change -- Mexico -- Case studies. ; Drug abuse -- Rehabilitation -- Effect of Political psychology on -- Statistics. : determinantes de los ejercicios nucleares norcoreanos; King Solomon's dilemma: an experimental study on implementation; Kollias2017_Article_DefenceExpenditureAndEconomicG.pdf.jpg; Kollias2017_Article_DefenceExpenditureAndEconomicG.pdf.txt; Kollias2017_Article_DefenceExpenditureAndEconomicG.pdf; Kollias2018_Article_TheDemandForMilitarySpendingIn.pdf.jpg; Kollias2018_Article_TheDemandForMilitarySpendingIn.pdf.txt; Kollias2018_Article_TheDemandForMilitarySpendingIn.pdf; Kosovo: cuestiones de magnitud; Kristjanpoller2016_Article_DoesTheCommoditiesBoomSupportT.pdf.jpg; Kristjanpoller2016_Article_DoesTheCommoditiesBoomSupportT.pdf.txt; Kristjanpoller2016_Article_DoesTheCommoditiesBoomSupportT.pdf; Kurt Unger: trayectoria y compromiso; Kurt_Unger.pdf.jpg; Kurt_Unger.pdf.txt; Kurt_Unger.pdf; LAER111.pdf.jpg; LAER111.pdf.txt; LAER111.pdf; LAER130.pdf.jpg; LAER130.pdf.txt; LAER130.pdf; LAURA_SOUR.pdf.jpg; LAURA_SOUR.pdf.txt; LAURA_SOUR.pdf; LC_Vol.6_No.II_2sem.pdf.jpg; LC_Vol.6_No.II_2sem.pdf.txt; LC_Vol.6_No.II_2sem.pdf; LC_Vol.III_No.II_2sem.pdf.jpg; LC_Vol.III_No.II_2sem.pdf.txt; LC_Vol.III_No.II_2sem.pdf; LFF.pdf.jpg; LFF.pdf.txt; LFF.pdf; LG_Vol.7_No.I_1sem.pdf.jpg; LG_Vol.7_No.I_1sem.pdf.txt; LG_Vol.7_No.I_1sem.pdf; LICENSE; LILIANA_MEZA.pdf.jpg; LILIANA_MEZA.pdf.txt; LILIANA_MEZA.pdf; LL_Vol.5_No.II_2dosem.pdf.jpg; LL_Vol.5_No.II_2dosem.pdf.txt; LL_Vol.5_No.II_2dosem.pdf; LMigra.pdf.jpg; LMigra.pdf.txt; LMigra.pdf; LP_Vol.6_No.I_1sem.pdf.jpg; LP_Vol.6_No.I_1sem.pdf.txt; LP_Vol.6_No.I_1sem.pdf; LP_Vol.9_No.I_1sem.pdf.jpg; LP_Vol.9_No.I_1sem.pdf.txt; LP_Vol.9_No.I_1sem.pdf; LP_Vol.III_No.I_1sem.pdf.jpg; LP_Vol.III_No.I_1sem.pdf.txt; LP_Vol.III_No.I_1sem.pdf; LRPC.pdf.jpg; LRPC.pdf.txt; LRPC.pdf; LSH_Vol.II_No.I_1ersem.pdf.jpg; LSH_Vol.II_No.I_1ersem.pdf.txt; LSH_Vol.II_No.I_1ersem.pdf; LUIS_BELTRAN.pdf.jpg; LUIS_BELTRAN.pdf.txt; LUIS_BELTRAN.pdf; La (ir)relevancia de la ley en la primera dcada de fiscalizacin electoral en Mxico; La 4T y su sello en el Programa de Estancias Infantiles subrogadas por la Secretara de Desarrollo Social; La Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca y los medios masivos de comunicacin en el movimiento social de 2006; La Auditora Superior de la Federacin y su papel en la rendicin de cuentas y el combate a la corrupcin; La Biblioteca del Centro de Investigacin y Docencia Econmicas (CIDE), 45 aos de historia; La Ciudad de Mxico en el siglo XIX: afrancesamiento urbano? 44. ; Photography in archaeology -- Mexico -- 1870-1910.; Photography of the nude -- History -- 1924.; Photography of women -- Mexico -- History -- 1924.; Physical-appearance-based bias. ; Credit control -- Mexico (States) -- Mathematical models. ; Chiapas (Mexico : State) -- Social conditions -- 1930-1938.; Chiapas (Mexico) -- History -- Peasant uprising, 1994 -- Causes. ; Communication in politics. ; Municipal government -- Mexico -- Evaluation -- Mathematical models. ; Cesarean section -- Effect of law and legislation on -- Mexico -- 2008-2016 -- Econometric models. Inclusin Matemtica. ; Millennium Development Goals -- Mexico. ; Economic development -- Effect of inflation on -- Econometric models. ; Genetic algorithms. ; Watershed management -- Mexico -- Guanajuato (State); Wealth -- Decision making -- Effect of financial literacy on -- Mexico -- 2018 -- Econometric models. ; Public Administration -- Corrupt Practices. ; Self-defense (Law) -- Mexico. ; Education, Secondary -- Curricula -- Evaluation. ; Legislative bodies -- Voting -- Decision making -- Statistical methods. ; Political planning -- Effect of nonprofit organizations on -- Mexico. ; Las lecciones de la memoria: un anlisis de las comisiones de verdad en Amrica Latina; Las leyes de cuota y su impacto en la eleccin de mujeres en Mxico; Las licitaciones en la provisin de infraestructura pblica: evaluacin del proyecto de los segundos pisos en Viaducto y Perifrico en la Ciudad de Mxico; Las localidades como instituciones de gobierno democrtico: teora y praxis; Las luces a prueba; Las manchas del jaguar: perfil del exaspirante candidato independiente a la presidencia de la Repblica Armando Ros Piter (proceso electoral 2017-2018); Las mujeres olvidadas del sistema de salud mexicano: los derechos sexuales y reproductivos de las trabajadoras sexuales; Las nuevas perspectivas de frica ante el milenio; Las paradojas de Sao Paulo; Las paradojas de las conquistas revolucionarias: municipio y reforma agraria en el Mxico contemporneo; Las pensiones en Mxico; Las percepciones de liderazgo en el contexto de las elecciones mexicanas de 2006; Las perspectivas del nuevo federalismo: el sector de desarrollo regional y el combate a la pobreza: las experiencias de Aguascalientes, Guanajuato y San Luis Potos; Las perspectivas del nuevo federalismo: el sector educativo, las experiencias de Aguascalientes, Guanajuato y San Luis Potos; Las perspectivas del nuevo federalismo: el sector salud: las experiencias en Aguascalientes, Guanajuato y San Luis Potos; Las policas como organizaciones institucionalizadas: una aproximacin a la implementacin de reformas policiales; Las polticas de desarrollo industrial regional y sus nexos tericos: desconcentracin, laissez-faire e iniciativas locales en Mxico; Las polticas de gnero y el auge olmpico de las atletas: estudio comparativo de seis pases; Las polticas de la exclusin: la paradoja de ser independiente en un proceso electoral; Las polticas de poblacin en Mxico y su cambio a lo largo del siglo XX y XXI; Las polticas de seguridad pblica en los municipios de Mxico, dos estudios de caso: Guadalajara y Tomatln, Jalisco; Las polticas de reas naturales protegidas en Amrica Latina: el papel de los actores con poder de veto; Las polticas del agua en Europa; Las polticas descentralizadoras en el mbito internacional: anlisis de tendencias y obstculos en diversos pases; Las polticas descentralizadoras: experiencias internacionales y el caso mexicano; Las polticas migratorias restrictivas en pases de trnsito: el caso de Mxico, 2000-2017; Las polticas pblicas antes de las ciencias de las polticas; Las potestades normativas del INE y la jurisprudencia del TEPJF; Las preferencias de los padres y su efecto en el sistema educativo privado en Mxico; Las preferencias del electorado en la segunda ronda presidencial de 2018 en Costa Rica: un modelo de socializacin poltica; Las primeras democracias en Hispanoamrica; Las principales caractersticas del sistema de remuneracin variable en la administracin pblica de Minas Gerais: acuerdo de resultados y premios por productividad; Las problematizaciones de gnero del Programa de Asistencia Tcnica a las Microfinanzas Rurales (PATMIR): una perspectiva feminista posestructuralista; Las prohibiciones de valoracin probatoria bajo las reglas del sistema acusatorio en Mxico; Las promesas de la democracia: el impacto de la competencia poltica en el desempeo econmico de los estados en Mxico, 1990-2006; Las pruebas de dao e inters pblico en materia de acceso a la informacin: una perspectiva comparada; Las redes de conocimiento para la gestin territorial: el caso de la Red GTD; Las redes intelectuales del Fondo de Cultura Econmica: la coleccin Tierra Firme, 1941-1956; Las reformas a la reeleccin presidencial del nuevo siglo en Amrica Central: tres intentos de reforma y un golpe de estado; Las reformas al Cofipe, 2007; Las reformas electorales de 2007; Las reformas municipales en el Estado de Guanajuato; Las reglas democrticas y las implicaciones antidemocrticas: seleccin de candidatos presidenciales en el PAN y el PRD para las elecciones de 2006; Las relaciones corporativas frente al estado: Mxico ante el Gatt; Las relaciones entre el poder ejecutivo y el legislativo: el caso de Mxico; Las relaciones entre los poderes ejecutivo y legislativo tras el fin del presidencialismo en Mxico; Las relaciones internacionales de los gobiernos subnacionales: el caso Mxico-China; Las religiones seculares: el caso del comunismo; Las representaciones sociales de los valores en las organizaciones; Las sentencias exhortativas en las acciones de inconstitucionalidad; Las tecnologas de la informacin y la comunicacin en el sistema educativo bsico; Las tendencias en el desarrollo del sector pblico: el caso de Noruega; Las tensiones estratgicas y conceptuales en el acercamiento sovitico-mexicano en la primera mitad de los aos setenta; Las transferencias condicionadas en Mxico: el caso de la educacin bsica; Las transferencias de la educacin federal en Mxico: una evaluacin de sus criterios de equidad y eficiencia; Las transferencias federales para la educacin en Mxico: una evaluacin de sus criterios de equidad y eficiencia; Las tres caras de la gestin pblica; Las tres caras de la invasin a Irak; Las tres puertas, reflexin introductoria sobre el desarrollo; Las tribulaciones del cangrejo ermitao; Las uniones creativas; Latin America's (legal) subnational authoritarian enclaves: the case of Mexico; Latin America's middle powers in the United Nations: Brazil and Mexico in comparative perspective; Latin American perceptions of Europe and the European Union; Latin American private pension funds vulnerabilities; LauraSour.pdf.jpg; LauraSour.pdf.txt; LauraSour.pdf; LdL_Vol.5_No.II_2dosem.pdf.jpg; LdL_Vol.5_No.II_2dosem.pdf.txt; LdL_Vol.5_No.II_2dosem.pdf; Le vie des ides; Leaders, public opinion and foreign policy in Mexico, the United States and Asia: a comparative study; Learning and earning: payoffs and tradeoffs of early entry into the labor force in Colombia; Learning, political regimes and the liberalization of trade; Lecciones de la economa de la deuda: por qu los emprendedores no consiguen los crditos que desean? ; Political rights. ; Information theory in economics. ; European Union. ; Taxpayer compliance. ; Airbnb (Firm) -- Prices -- Mexico City (Mexico) -- Econometric models. ; Wage differentials -- Mexico -- Econometric models. ; Government Web portals -- Mexico -- Aguascalientes (Municipal) -- Evaluation -- 2008-2016.; Government Web portals -- Mexico -- States -- 2004-2006 -- Evaluation. ; Delegation of powers -- United States --1952-1995.; Deliberative democracy. ; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- -- Social aspects -- Mexico. ; Labor productivity -- Mexico -- Econometric models. Appeals ; Commerce -- Customer services -- Mexico. ; Taxpayer compliance -- Women -- Mexico -- Mathematical model. ; Inflation (Finance) -- Econometric models. ; Obesity -- Economic aspects -- Mexico. ; Alcohol as fuel -- Mexico -- Production standards. ; Carbon dioxide mitigation -- Government policy -- Mexico -- 1990-2013.; Carbon taxes -- International cooperation -- Statistical methods. ; Local government -- Political violence -- Effect of political parties on -- Mexico -- 2015-2019 -- Case studies. ; Family mediation -- Mexico. ; Sociology -- Translations into Spanish -- History and criticism. Website http://www.co.benton.wa.us Phone Number (509) 736-3071 Dockets 1801-1900 of 10000 results MARIA GUADALUPE OCHOA vs EDUARDO CALVILLO On ; Income distribution -- Mathematical models. ; Central limit theorem. ; Bienestar, fiscalidad y opinin pblica: una ciudadana insatisfecha. ; Presidential candidates -- Mexico -- Statistical methods. (Charles Adams); Hallak, Juan Carlos; Handlin, Samuel; Hanisch, Markus; Hanna, Rema; Harbers, Imke; Harguindguy, Jean-Baptiste; Haro Lpez, Itzel Etzna Anaid de; Haro Meja, Antonio De; Haro Zepeda, Jos Manuel; Haro, Antonio de; Harris, Nigel; Harrison, Rodrigo; Hartley, Peter; Haslam, Paul Alexander; Hassan bin Talal; Hauser Askalani, Ali; Hawkins, Kirk A.; Hayasaka Ramrez, Sumiko; Heatley Tejada, Ana; Heldt, Barbara; Helsey, Edouard; Henrique Vaz, Paulo; Heredia Gonzlez, Jos Manuel; Heredia Zubieta, Carlos; Heredia, Blanca; Heres, David R.; Hernandez-Bejarano, Manuel Dario; Hernando Arrese, Maite; Hernndez Alarcn, Thania Berenice; Hernndez Amezcua, Thalia; Hernndez Arroyo, Federico; Hernndez Arteaga, Jos Agustn; Hernndez Becerra, Vctor Manuel; Hernndez Camargo, Teodoro Emmanuel; Hernndez Casaas, Claudia Nayelli; Hernndez Cedillo, Mara Fernanda; Hernndez Cervantes, Aline; Hernndez Cervantes, Erick Ren; Hernndez Chacn, Gerardo; Hernndez Chong Cuy, Jos Antonio; Hernndez Colorado, Jaime; Hernndez Cordero, Luis Felipe; Hernndez Corts, Danae; Hernndez Cruz, Isa Ludim; Hernndez Cuahutle, Dalila; Hernndez Dauajare, Luis Antonio; Hernndez Estrada, Mauricio; Hernndez Fernndez, Jimena; Hernndez Fernndez, Mauricio; Hernndez Fernndez, Viridiana; Hernndez Flores, Rodrigo; Hernndez Franco, Daniel; Hernndez Galicia, Jess Fidel; Hernndez Garca, Alejandra; Hernndez Garca, Juan Manuel; Hernndez Girn, Jos de la Paz; Hernndez Gonzlez, Izabel Diana; Hernndez Grageda, Nataly; Hernndez Gutirrez, Hctor; Hernndez H., Alberto (Hernndez Hernndez); Hernndez Henao, Johana Maritsa; Hernndez Huerta, Vctor Antonio; Hernndez Javier, Hctor; Hernndez Jimnez, Ulises Esau; Hernndez Laos, Enrique; Hernndez Len, Hctor Gabriel; Hernndez Medina, Rodrigo Daniel; Hernndez Montes, Roque Vicente; Hernndez Monzoy, Andira; Hernndez Nakakawa, Alexandra; Hernndez Nario, Arialys; Hernndez Olivares, Zindzi Berenice; Hernndez Ortiz, Edgar Uriel; Hernndez Quintana, Said; Hernndez Ramrez, Ana Itzel; Hernndez Rocha, Jaime Osmin; Hernndez Rodrguez, Rogelio; Hernndez Rodrguez, Sal; Hernndez Rojo, Marcos; Hernndez Romn, Luis Gabriel; Hernndez Ruiz, Froyln; Hernndez Ruiz, Mara del Carmen; Hernndez Seguin, Israel Abraham; Hernndez Sistos, Victoria; Hernndez Toro, Berenice; Hernndez Torres, Eunice; Hernndez Torres, Gustavo; Hernndez Torres, Misael; Hernndez Torres, Sal Hiram; Hernndez Trillo, Fausto; Hernndez Tllez, Carlos Javier; Hernndez Valdez, Alfonso; Hernndez Velzquez, rika M.; Hernndez Villegas, Adrin; Hernndez lvarez, Sergio Arturo; Hernndez, Daniel; Hernndez, Juan Ignacio; Hernndez, Klver; Hernndez, Laura; Hernndez, Roberto; Hernndez-Solano, Alan; Herrera Aragn, Alberto; Herrera Caballero, Juan Manuel; Herrera Domnguez, Erwin Luis; Herrera Durn, Lizbeth; Herrera Escalante, Andrea; Herrera Flores, Alma Rosa; Herrera Flores, Luis ngel; Herrera Galvn Gutirrez, Erick; Herrera Garca, Jos Antonio; Herrera Guerrero, Arturo Emmanuel; Herrera Hernndez, Jorge; Herrera Macas, Alejandro; Herrera Meraz, Christian; Herrera Sosa, Katia Marina; Herrera Tapia, Francisco; Herrera, Juan; Herrera-Lasso M., Luis; Herwartz, Helmut; Hevia de la Jara, Felipe; Heymann, Daniel; Hidalgo Everardo, Jos Antonio; Hidalgo Gonzlez, Luis; Hidalgo-Hardeman, Olivia M.; Hidalgo-Prez, Manuel A.; Hierro Barba, Ana Fernanda; Hiller, Tatiana; Hinojosa Bale, Fernando Daniel; Hinojosa Ojeda, Ral Andrs; Hirsch, Sarah Winifred; Hoddinott, John; Hofbauer, Helena; Hogan, William; Holzner, Claudio A.; Honey Wuest, Juan Sebastian; Horta Martin, Miguel ngel; Horwitz, Robert Britt; Hoyo Prohuber, Henio; Hoyos Albarrn, Silvia Mara de; Huber Bernal, Gerardo; Huber, John D.; Huerta Aparicio, Luis Manuel; Huerta Atriano, Jess Daniel; Huerta Carren, Hctor Emiliano; Huerta Casas, Teresita de Jess; Huerta Cuervo, Roco; Huerta Patoni, Sergio Roberto; Huerta Uribe, Pamela; Huerta Zapien, Rubn Irving; Huesca Reynoso, Luis; Huet Lpez, Pedro; Hughes, Sallie; Hugues Arthur, Juan Pablo; Huicochea Snchez, Marcos; Huidobro Blanco, Sofa; Huidobro Ortega, Marco Alberto; Hunt, Lynn; Hupe, Peter L.; Hurtado Alvarado, Karla Sofia; Hurtado Epstein, Sofa; Hurtado, Javier; Hussain, A. Imtiaz; Ibarra Colado, Eduardo; Ibarra Hernndez, Carlos Alejandro; Ibarra Huerta, Mara Hortencia; Ibarra Nio, Carlos Alberto; Ibarra Olgun, Ana Mara; Ibarra Olgun, Frida Daniela; Ibarra Olivo, Jos Eduardo; Ibarra Rodrguez, Sofa Valentina; Ibarra Salazar, Jorge; Ibarra Yunez, Alejandro; Ibarra, David; Ibarra, Jorge; Ibarra, Pedro; Ibarrarn, Pablo; Ibaez Cruz, Jenny Jocabeth; Ibn Khaldn; Ikenberry, G. John; Imelda Rojas, Rosa; Incln, Mara de la Luz; Inda Razo, Alberto David; Infante de Alba Dvila, Rodrigo Ivn; Ingram, Matthew C.; IniguezMontiel, Alberto Javier; Instituto Nacional de Migracin (Mxico); Iracheta Carroll, Jos Antonio; Iracheta Cenecorta, Alfonso; Iraheta vila, Moiss Israel; Iriarte Iturbide, Julene; Isaza Espinosa, Carolina; Ishizaki Rivera, Kenichi Marcelo; Islas Camargo, Alejandro; Islas Delgadillo, Armando; Islas Govea, Adriana Elizabeth; Islas Rivera, Israel; Iuit Hernndez, Itzel Dominique; Ixtacuy Figueroa, Lucia Gabriela; Izcara Palacios, Simn Pedro; Izquierdo Llanes, Gregorio; Izquierdo Reyes, Alain Dimitrius; Izquierdo Snchez, Jos Miguel; Izbal Nogueda, Daniela; Iscan, Talan; Jacob, Margaret C.; Jacobo Surez, Mnica; Jacobs, James B.; Jaffe, Rivke; Jaime Castillo, Antonio M.; Jaime, Edna; Jaimes Arellano, Lilian Denisse; Jaimes Jimnez, Ithandehui; Jaimes Keymolent, Brian Irving; Jaitman, Laura; Jamil, Ishtiaq; Jane M. Smith, Heidi; Janetti Daz, Mara Emilia; Jaramillo Monroy, Fernando; Jarco, Dawid; Jardn Pia, Luis Manuel; Jardn Reyes, Tania; Jarillo, Brenda; Jarqun Ramrez, Soledad; Jarqun Sandoval, Samara; Jaso Martnez, Vernica; Jasso Lpez, Luca Carmina; Jasso Villazul, Javier; Jaury Gonzlez, Mara Jos; Jensen, Bjamin S.; Jess Montoya, Dulce de; Jimenez Mori, Ral; Jimnez Beltrn, Christian; Jimnez Canet Atilano, Mariana; Jimnez Cordero, Roslyn; Jimnez Gama, Mara Guadalupe; Jimnez Lara, Daniela; Jimnez Martnez, Antonio; Jimnez Medina, Felipe Jos Antonio; Jimnez Prez, Alan Israel; Jimnez Quiroga, Ana Sofa; Jimnez Rodrigo, Mara Luisa; Jimnez Rodrguez, Nadia Lizbeth; Jimnez Ros, Georgina; Jimnez Trejo, Diana; Jimnez Villarreal, Christian Gerzan; Jimnez Zorrilla, Andrs Guillermo; Johnson, James; Johnson, Paul; Joignant, Alfredo; Jonas Hedlund, Sven; Jones Tamayo, Claudio; Jones, Adam; Jordaan, Jacob A.; Jordana, Jacint; Jordn, Lourdes; Jorge del Razo, Jimena; Josling, Tim; Jos Alonso, Romeo; Jowett Izazola, Alan Andrew; Juan Delgado, Sandra; Juica Martnez, Paola; Jurado Vadillo, Jos Andrs; Jurez Aparicio, Margarita; Jurez Ascencio, Joel Alejandro; Jurez Bautista, Daniel; Jurez Castaeda, Rodrigo; Jurez Coronado, Eugenio Jos; Jurez Luna, David; Jurez Mendoza, Alma Cristina; Jurez Mondragn, Vivian; Jurez Quiroz, Oscar No; Jurez Reyes, Luis Daniel; Jurez Salazar, Alberto; Jcome Maldonado, Luis David; Juregui Espinosa, Diana Lourdes; Juregui Nolen, Elena Catalina; Juregui Snchez, David Antonio; Jrgensen, Jan; Jptner, Petr; Kadelbach, Vivian; Kahhat, Farid; Kaire, Jos; Kalyvas, Andreas; Kalyvas, Stathis N.; Kandil, Magda; Kassack Gallardo, Juan Julio; Kate, Adriaan ten; Katz, Friedrich; Kauffer, Edith; Kaufman, Robert R.; Kehoe, Timothy Jerome; Keijser Torres, Ingrid de; Kelley, Robin; Kenney, Martin F.; Kent Serna, Rollin; Kernecker, Theresa; Kessel, Georgina; Kiewiet de Jonge, Chad P.; Kim, Chong-Sup; Kim, Pan Suk; King Azcona, Claudia Beatriz; Kinuthia, Bethuel Kinyanjui; Kleiche-Dray, Mina; Kliksberg, Bernardo; Klimovsk, Daniel; Klingner, Donald E.; Knaul, Felicia Marie; Knieps, Gnter; Knight, Alan; Knight, Jack; Knox, Melissa A.; Kocher, Matthew Adam; Kochi, Ikuho; Koengkan, Matheus; Kollias, Christos; Konvitz, Josef W.; Kossick, Robert M.; Krader, Thomas T.; Krame Hilal, Ghaleb Victorio; Krauze, Enrique; Kristiansen, Tarjei; Kristjanpoller, Werner; Krook, Mona Lena; Krueger, Anne O.; Krmer, Gudrun; Kuhlmann, Federico; Kuhner, Gretchen; Kurjak, Jelica; Kurosaki, Takashi; Kuster Rojas, Ren; Kydd, Andrew H.; Kyle, Brett J.; Labougle Martnez, Diego Andrs; Labrador Bada, Giselle; Labrador, Margarita; Lachica Torres, Vctor Andr de; Lago Peas, Ignacio; Lagos Machuca, Nicols; Laguna Reyes, Christian Enmanuel; Laguna Vallejo, Ernesto; Lagunes Castillo, Gabriel Lorenzo; Laitin, David D.; Lajous Loaeza, Andrs; Lamas Ovando, Ana Paula; Landaverde Moreno, Osvaldo; Langston, Joy (Joy Kathryn); Lanteri, Luis N.; Lara Becerra, Xochitl; Lara Escalante, Mnica Mara; Lara Gonzlez, Manuel; Lara lvarez, Jorge; Lara-Borges, Oswald; Larios Barrientos, Jos Alejandro; Lartigue Mendoza, Juan Mateo; Lastra Valencia, Kevin David; Latapie Aldana, Mara Andrea; Latapie Aldana, Ricardo; Laurens, Henry; Lawrence, Robert Z.; Lawson, Chappell H.; Lazos Chavero, Elena; Lazzeri Montao, Roberto; Le Brun Madinaveitia, Robert Patrick Rene; Le Clercq Ortega, Juan Antonio; Le Thi, Mai Linh; Leal F., Gustavo; Leal Trujillo, Jess Antonio; Leal Vallejo, Georgina Alejandra; Leal, Julio; Leblang, David; Leblebicioglu, Asli; Leboreiro Guerrero, Aranza; Lefort, Claude; Lefranc Flores, Alfredo; Lehoucq, Fabrice Edouard; Lehoucq, Fabrice; Leiderman, Leonardo; Leiras, Marcelo; Leiva Bahamondes, Loreto; Leiva, Silvana Andrea; Lemprire, Annick; Lemus Garca, Fanny Paulet; Lepore, Walter; Lern de Len, Eunice Karimy; Letelier S., Leonardo; Levarotti, Alejo; Leveau, Rmy; Levy Cherem, Fortuna Alicia; Levy, Santiago; Lewis-Williams, J.D. countycourtcase benton benton courthouse dahle -- Political violence -- Effect of Political psychology on -- Mexico benton county superior court administration Statistical methods --. ; Deliberative democracy ; Mexico -- Mathematical model -- Translations into Spanish -- history and criticism Efect Economic. -- Spain -- Comparative studies ( Colo.-Mexico and Tex Political science -- Mexico ; Financial industry. -- Germany -- 2015-2018. ; Rio Grande ( benton county superior court administration and Tex College attendance -- Political violence -- Effect rates. 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