On Tuesday, Hayes posted a photo of himself with Rachel Maddow on his Twitter account. Rachel Maddow: -- you know, get them arrested. Thanks for being so kind. Rachel Maddow: -- and was profoundly both popular. . . Chris Hayes: Right, right. And he gave me some two-sentence sketch that he'd been given. ", I'm like, "No, it's the opposite of crazy. Chris Hayes: So here's the thing, so we're going to get in the topic, but what was so striking to me, and this sort of goes back to what I was trying to get at the monologue, there is just this inimitable thing. And then it's here. There's some sort of conventions to some game or genre, whether it's artistic medium or it's a sport, you know, Michael Jordan, Picasso, Steve Jobs, like people that just do this thing that other people are doing. Rachel Maddow: -- for a lot of the time that he was arguing this. And some of them, yes, were prosecutors and people working inside the criminal justice system, but some of them were crusading columnists. And you need the prosecution, you need the investigation, you need the Justice Department to be engaged in things like this, but it's actually not the solution. When I go on vacation, I take Twitter off my phone and I don't know what's happening in the world. The 34-year-old anchor of Up, MSNBC's 8 a.m. weekend show, invited 15 friends to his one-bedroom apartment in Manhattan's East Village. I think that our professional, and civic and religious institutions can be strong, but can also be hurt. There were 130 million Americans in terms of our population at the time, 30 million of them every week were listening to him. Signers responded to outreach from three organizations--Just Foreign Policy, RootsAction.org (which I coordinate), and World Beyond War--calling for concerned individuals to "urge Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, and MSNBC to correct their failure to report on the humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen and the direct U.S. military role in causing the . His full name is Christopher Loffredo. Chris Hayes: Well be right back after we take this quick break. I haven't figured out how to work less, but I am working in a different way and I'm doing different things, and that is valuable. Chris Hayes: And that's something that comes through in the story you're telling in a way that, I think, we really don't think enough about. (L-R) Alex Wagner and Rachel Maddow Patrick Randak/MSNBC/Getty Images. He gets on the air in the United States just after Kristallnacht, and basically says, yeah, the Jews had it coming. Rachel Maddow: -- answer whatever e-mails I need to answer that pertain to this evening, and then shutoff and not turn on again until the workday starts again. Chris Hayes: I mean, not to get too, like, therapy here, but there is just this is like a prime insight of therapy, right, which is like, wherever you go, there you are. Chris Hayes: It's fascinating, theres clips of Coughlin in the show. News. Chris Hayes: Howard Stern, yeah. And so one of the most remarkable things about the history of Coughlin is the end of Coughlin, which is --, Rachel Maddow: -- in part because his radicalism is freaking people out, but its mostly because the Catholic church pulls the plug on him, and he allows for that. Rachel Maddow: An effort in the United States. So that's telling --. Chris Hayes: Do you think we have the right antibodies now? Rachel Maddow: A paid agent of Hitler's government working with members of Congress and members of the United States Senate to distribute, literally, propaganda written by the German government targeting the American people in quantity. When Alex Wagner debuts her new MSNBC show on Tuesday, she will be taking on an unusual arrangement . And his training is all in the clan, right. But the reason the Justice Department put them on trial is bananas and is totally worth telling, and is an incredibly resonant snapshot of a previous iteration of the allure of authoritarianism in this country and what it took to fight it. Earlier this week, CNN Business reported that Maddow's nightly show will end in 2022. Chris Hayes: Who figures prominently in the podcast. Chris Hayes: But these weren't just like odd cranks, rondos, that there was organization, very powerful popular support and mobilization, key figures, and the sort of formation of something that looked like a kind of proto or explicitly profascist movement and organization inside the United States. Theyre only being persecuted now as payback for all the evil things they have done, social justice. That happened. Justice Department caves, fires the prosecutor. Quiz: Photo of Rachel Maddow or Photo of Chris Hayes? Chris Hayes: Let's talk about Ernest Lundeen --. Rachel Maddow: And so, you end up with all sorts of ways that the criminal law can be engaged against some of these leaders, you know, and thats not definitionally true, just historically recurring. You could do the whole thing on, you know, the German agents who were getting the Lindberghs and the other --. And that means that the history of it, to the extent that there is any history of it, has been written by the right and by people who are sympathizers of the defendants --. Hayes is happily married to Kate Shaw, and they are blessed with . So you get that name. Right --. You may opt out at anytime. Hosts on Today gave a vague answer to questions about the status of Hoda Kotb, whose last appearance on the show was Feb. 17. And in some cases, they were actively supported by the Hitler government as an effort to create a fifth column here that was going to soften us up for a fascist takeover or to have a native takeover here in the United States that would bring in an administration or a form of government that would be more in keeping and more friendly toward Hitlers aims. Im talking to (ph) --. Chris Hayes: And, yes, I think it's a really important thing that I've learned also, like if someone sends an e-mail or sends a note saying, like, the thing you said in the monologue this morning when you were just talking it through, like, isn't quite right, you kind of missed this. Rachel Maddow: I love that, but it takes a lot of work. D, ask your local clergymen to preach sermons on tolerance. So there's a little bit of like heartbreak and joy that came when Rachel said that she was going to step away from "The Daily Show" and have "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Monday nights. I think you and I cherish it, not everyone does, but that theres some really important lines here about you can write a pamphlet saying Donald Trump should. Rachel Maddow: -- form fascist organizations even. Rachel Maddow: That makes for a good country song. So heres the thing Im really interested in because this is another resonance. What's the story? Rachel Maddow: And if we can't be real and, like, sort of justly calibrated in terms of thinking about American fascism, and American authoritarianism, and indeed American support for Hitler in the leadup to Pearl Harbor, then I think we can't be real and clearsighted about the persistence of those movements over time as the generations have gone on. Rachel Maddow: Right. It has all of the kind of like context, and history, and pacing, and sort of just like narrative oomph of like a great Rachel A block, but with all the production abilities of a great podcast. Those movements came from somewhere. "He's an extraordinary talent and has made a strong connection with our audience." [35] That was 1940, and then by 1941, we were in World War II, and we moved on. And shes just this devout, young Catholic woman whos disgusted by it, who infiltrates them, starts on newspaper, pressures the police, gets them raided and takes it on herself, and then --. See or download fact-checks by FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and The Washington Post's Fact Checker.The Nancy Pelosi Archive is one of several collections of TV news clips featuring public officials, with related fact-checks. Chris Hayes: A lot of people really want it, and they like it. News, Politics, Culture, and more in realtime. The accompanying text read:. Rachel Maddow: Yes, its a piece of it --, Rachel Maddow: -- and its not the end all, be all. And so, deciding that we won in the war --, Rachel Maddow: -- and, therefore, that vanquished --, Rachel Maddow: And all Americans came around --. I mean, theres a couple of things here. And I wonder what you think, what is that curtain about. Chris Hayes: I've never heard of this guy. Tweet us with the hashtag #WITHpod, email WITHpod@gmail.com. And they sent a sort of wunderkind prosecutor down to Louisiana. You can see more of our work, including links to things we mentioned here, by going to nbcnews.com/whyisthishappening.Stream the video version of this conversation on Peacock here. I think there needs to be a bigger, broader, anti-fascist movement where people actually have work to do every day in trying to fight fascism and save the country, she urged. And we are not going to fight them by getting rid of our civil liberties. Like, that theres no final victory over the forces of it, even though I feel like the story of World War II and particularly the story of that, you know, its like the defeat of Nazis and fascism, the purging of Nazis and fascists from the continent, although not really in France. A joke dies, they cut it. with me, your host, Chris Hayes. But I find it really interesting, so you're along for the ride. Dog whistle, much? We put it off a million times for COVID, and then we finally did it. Rachel Maddow: -- sort of a bit player in this story and theyre actually supported by the Hitler government. You can get the first two episodes now wherever you get your podcasts. Maddow also conducts interviews with. After Maddow's nine-week sabbatical, she returned to The Rachel Maddow Show on April 11 and made it official for her viewers: They'd have her four nights a week through the end of the month,. Rachel Maddow: -- who's (ph) Trump's inaugural chairman, as (ph) being a secret foreign agent. Chris Hayes is married to Kate A. Shaw who is an associate professor of law at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. He gets fired by going rogue and saying, "We didnt get a conviction, but Im going to tell you what our evidence was. Chris Hayes: Its enemies are everywhere, all the time. Chris Hayes: And its also fascinating. Like, there was a weird moment around the birth of American Holocaust denial and accountability for actual Nazis, not allegorical Nazis, but the real Nazi leadership that brought me to this moment. Its called "The Christian Front: Coughlins Storm Troopers," which was put out by an anti-fascist organization that was trying to raise awareness about the Christian Front. These are ones we are paying, and he publishes it and gets fired from the Justice Department for doing it. It's easier to do hard work for a long time when you like what you're doing and you like the production of it. Chris Hayes: You know, then we went to war and then we beat the Nazis. As of 2021, Chris Hayes has a net worth of $5 million. I would know if that happened, like someone's miscommunicating to me what the topic of this is because, if that had happened, I would know, but it turns out it did happen, I didn't know about it. Last week, Maddow confirmed reports that she planned. Huey Long, of course, was assassinated, which is what put an end to his political career. So having her name --. There are parts about fascist rhetoric that are compelling in their own twisted terrible way. Update 2:45 p.m. PT: TheWrap spoke with Chris Hayes, newly named weekend MSNBC host, on Monday about his new show, TV mentor Rachel Maddow and the impossibility of covering the debt crisis.. Chris Hayes: I knew a little bit about the Nuremberg controversy, or not really a controversy but people that objected to Nuremberg. And the next thing they sent him to do was the Christian Front trial --. And that, to me, is energizing and exciting, and it opens up all these other lines of inquiry, like, one of the things Charles Gallagher writes about in his book is this character Francis Sweeney who tragically dies very young, who played this incredibly intrepid role in exposing the Christian Front in Boston, which was taking funding from the Hitler government, which was showing German military propaganda movies, which was running pogrom-style violence against Boston Jews. and. Sometimes it's like there are exogenous factors. And they were acquitted. (3:10) NBC had to retract a fabricated Today Show story that reignited the fascists' homophobic conspiracy theory about Paul Pelosi. And actually, it's amazing, you know, that the Oath Keepers sedition trial is going on --, Rachel Maddow: -- right now. I mean, if you take people at face value and you believe that they are arguing earnestly for what they believe, those are fascinating and substantive arguments, which also occluded a lot of active fascist-organizing in the United States at the time. Coughlin starts out as a kind of like not quite left figure, but he is supportive of the New Deal. But no sooner did they move to New York City. Also, the pamphlet behind me, which indeed have a swastika on it, is an incredible. But they expected to go forward with this armed effort to stop the transfer of power in the United States. One of the defendants wrote a book about it. So all that said, it is a great pleasure to have the one and only Rachel Maddow. You can help a great deal by, A, keeping us, this anti-fascist organization, advised of incidents, i.e., stabbings, beatings, et cetera, that may happen in your neighborhood. Chris Hayes: Exactly. Meanwhile, MSNBC's All in with Chris Hayes drew 1.57 million at 8 pm and Last Word averaged 1.79 million at 10 pm. Rachel Maddow: Super interesting. And so, what we end up with is the Justice Department, not stumbling onto but discovering the contours of this plot by the Hitler government to use members of Congress to distribute Nazi propaganda in quantity to the American public. Nico Parker discusses Dumbo. The game operated a certain way. The Today Show executive was not fired. Chris Hayes: Everyone gets to see what I do. Chris Hayes: Yeah, hes just a parish priest. But the effort to force a resolution to it through the criminal law and through the courts didn't work. Today, Rachel Maddow writes about the future of election integrity. Chris Hayes: Yes, but the opening scene of this podcast, you're just, like, I don't know who this guy is. I just think we need some energy in it, and Im hoping, in some ways, that learning the history of other Americans who have done it well can give us some energy. And the great sedition trial in the end doesnt work for all sorts of amazing reasons, and he ends his career at the Justice Department. Here's the thing, I'm in this weird thing where it's like I don't want to spoil it, but kind of have to talk about the content of the podcast. Sour Patch Lyds (@sourpatchlyds) October 5, 2022. Chris hosts programs like beat with Chris Hayes, a weekday news and opinion television program on MSNBC. Rachel Maddow: Theyre running, literally, Hitler youth summer camps --. Note: This is a rough transcript please excuse any typos. Rachel Maddow: Chris, it's very nice. And as such, your failed plot is a failed plot and can be minimized as unserious --, Rachel Maddow: -- and unthreatening. Rachel Maddow: -- fight fascism and save the country. Chris Hayes: As I've been listening to this, I've been thinking about just the rupture that happens with Pearl Harbor. And who do they bring into that cleanup? Actually, when I heard the gloss (ph), and I was like, that can't be right. Chris Hayes: "I think the future is unwritten, and anyone who tells you they know what's going to happen is wrong. But those folks didn't change their views once the Japanese bombed us in Hawaii. A Goodwill branch has, too. Rachel Maddow: Really not clear that youre going to be able to get against the Oath Keepers? The Chris Hayes Podcast" to discuss what she's been up to since dialing back from her nightly cable news show, how she found the story that's told in her new podcast, "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra," the editorial and creative process that has followed, and more. Rachel Maddow: -- to distribute German government propaganda in the United States through the U.S. Congress and through the United States Senate. And like, you get figures like this sometimes, right? A new biography about the Duke of Sussex alleges that Prince Harry was not always the ardent proponent of "woke" dogma he is today. Do you remember what it was like? And that's stunning to me. What is Rachel Maddow's Net Worth and Salary? Actually, it was the right decision. Read our editorial standards. As part of the deal, Maddow's long-running 9 p.m . I mean, what I do think about is not assuming that anybody knows anything, but also expecting that everybody can go everywhere, right. Gotta to hang with my buddy today, he wrote. I try to tell stories for a living. Here in the televisual medium for a very, very special, exciting episode, I'm going to start with a sports metaphor, if you'll indulge me. And I was like, I feel like I would know if that happened. The Trump Archive, launched in January 2017, was the first such collection.. So I started working on that, ended up in this place where I was looking at sort of the origins of American Holocaust denial, which has always been sort of an interest for me as well. Rachel Maddow is an MSNBC news anchor who has a net worth of $35 million. All sorts of other efforts against those forces did work. . Rachel Maddow: -- in part because he thinks that hes that. Rachel Maddow: I think we are capable of generating them. Similarly, with the great sedition trial in 1944, which is sort of amazing that they brought it in 1944 --, Chris Hayes: Right, yes, right, right, right --, Rachel Maddow: -- given what happened in 1940 when they tried it against the Christian Front, that trial has gone down in history as a failure or as a sideshow or, in some cases, as a debacle because it wasn't a successful prosecution. Not to be weird but, like, I'm very grateful to the executives at the company who said I could do this, because it means that I don't have to quit doing what I'm doing. I would say that theres a recognizably fascist cadence, like theres a certain tenor and cadence and rhythm --, Chris Hayes: -- to fascist incitement and then --. Rachel Maddow: Yeah. Conservative talk show host Dan Bongino's Fox News show has trounced a documentary about his former boss, Barack Obama, in the ratings. Do you buy the explanation of the presence of the swastika on the desk? Chris Hayes: The podcast is called "Rachel Maddow Presents: Ultra." . I'm in Rachel's head, and I'm in her world." If you listen to Bagman, it'll be familiar, but it's also different and new. Is that a story about American fascism? Rachel printed it out from a digital archive for me because the first part of it is all about the anti-semitic menacing that fascist groups were doing in the Bronx in the late 1930s. And were on the train leaving New Orleans heading towards Texas, and were growing across the Huey Long Bridge. Rachel Maddow: I think he said, yeah, exactly, yeah. Like the people who are listening are like, "Wait, who's the senator?". Rachel Maddow: -- if you are on trial, it means you --, Rachel Maddow: -- to overthrow the government and failed and the extent government is now trying you for having tried and failed to do it. Search us for WITHpod. Rachel Maddow: Yes, and that's got a whole lot of technical elements to it, like, dont --, Rachel Maddow: -- dont use too many proper nouns that are --, Chris Hayes: -- magicians trick, it really is, like --, Rachel Maddow: -- but you know how to do it. But compartmentalization is important so that you can work this intensely. What is the salary of Rachel Maddow? They go absolutely crazy against the justice department, threaten the justice department, go to the attorney-general, tell him that you fired these prosecutors get rid of this thing, and they do. He goes to Germany. It is a fascist myth to believe that you need a strong man to lead a fascist movement where you need is people who have an appetite. Chris Hayes: -- transparent work product in the world. Rachel Maddow: I mean, is that a story about the limitations to the critical law? He interviews guys on the Nazi side of the plot to say, in fact, were you working with these Americans and gets them on the record from their cells at Nuremberg saying yeah, these were the Americans who we are working with. When you are not just doing a highly structured daily deadline, daily production thing, it is harder to figure out where the compartments are. And the same agents in the Hitler government, operating through the same channels, was doing both of those things simultaneously. January 17th, 80 years to the day earlier, January 17th, 1940, the front-page story in every newspaper in the country is about the arrest of 17 members of the Christian Front militia. Chris Hayes: Its a real shoot the Moon strategy. It was the seventh most-watched show in the first quarter of 2017. May 8, 2013. Rachel Maddow: I found my way to the story a little bit backwards. And when you read it, it sends you to Wikipedia because you're like, wait, how much of this is Philip Roth --. So --. Rachel Maddow: You're killing me. Rachel Maddow: And he's calling for Christians to boycott Jewish businesses and saying that America, he, as Father Coughlin, takes the path of fascism. Chris Hayes: -- because its like at some level the comforting story to tell ourselves is that Coughlin is the kind of key instrument or whoever today. Oh, thats awesome. According to the Daily Beast, Maddow's new contract would allow her more. Eleanor Roosevelt is writing a newspaper column, at the time, as first lady. The Rachel Maddow Show. They orchestrated civil lawsuits between different pro-fascist groups suing each other in order to expose all their dirty laundry to the world because law enforcement didnt care, right? And in that opening statement from the prosecution in the Oath Keepers sedition trial, the prosecutor said, you know, A, they thought when they left the Capitol on January 6th that they had succeeded and that there would not be an electoral count certification --, Rachel Maddow: -- and that they were then plotting their next steps when they realized that Congress reconvened --. I mean, I brought this for you as a present. As Hayes wrapped up his 8:00 p.m. show, he passed the baton to his 9:00 p.m. successor, who then immediately alluded to an earlier conversation the pair had earlier in the day. ELIJAH SCHAFFER (@ElijahSchaffer) October 5, 2022, Whats going on with the German National Socialist propaganda, Chris? Some of it was, you know, a hostile foreign power, but a lot of it was native borne. Prosecution does not work and that prosecutor, having been through all those different of the ringer ends up breaking all the rules. And hes very, you know, honest about the fact that antisemitism was not a sin in the Catholic church --. ", Chris Hayes: I have one work product. There was a huge amount of, probably, a bigger category of not outright Nazi sympathizers but people who are, like, kind of equivocal about the whole thing. Chris Hayes: -- senator from Minnesota. It's an hour --, Chris Hayes: And it's this thing. Its like, oh, yeah, they like that. Is this a real story? And the demand, I am very obsessed in the notion of like the demand side for fascism as opposed to supply side --. Not one of them touched the green pepper he'd cut up for. And thats just always going to be true. That --, Rachel Maddow: -- like, technical suspense? You say like, "Oh, today's Father Coughlin.". I mean, obviously it's your voice, and you have a very good voice technically, but a Rachel Maddow way of telling a story that happens in this podcast where it's like, "I'm in it. I brought you the whole thing. "Chris is always good he deserves a much bigger national reputation. Chris Hayes: Well, no, thats fascinating. And the thing that I thought was beautiful about this is that, at the end of this whole thing, exposing the Christian Front and talking about how theyre essentially --. That happening at the same time that members of Congress and members of the United States Senate were being roped into a plan involving a Nazi agent to, not just sort of leverage their pro-German or antiwar sympathies, but actually do Hitler's work in this country. But it's this great, I think, very resonant tension between something happening that does seem to require a criminal law response that is not well-managed by a criminal law response. Was the Christian Front trial -- camps -- and then we finally did it -- of! Listen to Bagman, it is a rough transcript please excuse any typos of! Demand, I take Twitter off my phone and I 'm like, oh, yeah hes... 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